Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Democrats turn supreme court hearing into a circus


Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Democratic senators at the hearing for the supreme court nominee are a lot like people who choose to witness an execution.
Even if they aren’t the ones who are actually pushing in the needle to some poor fool’s veins, these senators wish they were.
Some senators take particular pleasure in the whole process as if they need to inflict a bit more pain before the lights go out.
Democrats seem to get off watching roadkill squirm.
So we're just in the middle of the Senate hearings for the Supreme Court Justice but the circus is in town
And the Democrats have proved that they are capable of creating a three-ring circus regardless of what the issues are.
The most ludicrous of the commentaries of course came from that wacko in Hawaii who dare to ask Barrett if she had ever raped anyone or has been accused of it.
Hawaii appears to the other planet of its own when it comes to legislators best testimony to Obama's presidency but when it comes to a lunatic this Senator takes the cake.
Harris of course was her usual caustic self -- a downright nasty even being with a Heart of Stone
The rest of the Democratic assembly were largely attacking Trump not Barrett which was wise because Barrett was Unstoppable
The Democrats are frustrated by the fact that they cannot cheat this time the way they tried with Kavanaugh and before that with Thomas and other people who have been put up on the Block.
Democrats stop believing in a system of justice when it comes to power grab
All of this reminds me of the Anita Hill who I actually once believed but after you see the same pattern repeated over and over you begin to realize that the Democrats have been using this same technique for decades and has lost credibility over time.
And you begin to question the very fabric of Journalism that reported on it even as back far as Watergate.
Media is a lot like a cross-eyed horse. It’ll take you for a ride, but not exactly where you want to go. And in some cases, if only pretends to be cross-eyed as the coverage of these hearings showed.
How much was truth how much was rhetoric and how much was deliberate manipulation by political Powers using media to get its ends.
We seem to rewrite history the way we want it to be rather than how it really is and so we get a skewed vision of how democracy works
We are watching a peaceful transition of power which is no less vicious than the militant type only we do it with kid gloves in Iron Fists.
We all pretend to be nice when really we are being utterly vicious.
The Democrats do not believe in Justice even though they spout the word social justice over and over what they mean is they want power that other people have and they will use any means to get it.
So any nominee for the Supreme Court has to be utterly perfect or will be brought down in ashes.
Fortunately for the first two days of the hearing we have watched Barrett out with the Democrats at every turn but that doesn't mean media has to play by the same rules.
Unless you've actually watch the hearings you get a very skewed vision from places like MSNBC and HuffPost which totally misconstrue what she said and what she meant.
Media is play into the election because they know they probably can't sabotage the Supreme Court appointment the way they tried with Kavanaugh.
So they make this Noble person into some kind of political pawn and keep Miss stating what she said about her rulings
When she said she cannot take a stand on abortion or Obamacare they report as if she won't.
But that's media a total irresponsible institution that has lost all credibility except with those who are already true believers and many of these people are repeating the same lies media repeats.
It's hard to get off a bandwagon once you're on it especially when you don't want to get off.
How all is plays out in the general election in three weeks is a mystery to me since media is also misreporting poll numbers and trying to make it look as if Trump has already lost and the supporters should just give up WCBS Newsradio actually even misreported some of the rallies, refusing to actually give credit to the fact that Trump had gotten out his followers where Biden's Rally's or one or two or six or eight people locked into social distancing circles and looking rather pathetic as he forgets what office he is running for
This election has been going on for 4 years I can't wait for it to be over for good or bad no matter what happens the left won't accept it and I'll go ape shit either the power will go to their head and we'll all become a pawn to the new Social Justice League or they will riot in the streets when they didn't get the president they wanted
Stay tuned for chaos

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