Thursday, October 22, 2020

WOKE up everybody!


Thursday, October 22, 2020
The woke crowd got even more ridiculous this week when it tried to defend a CNN/New Yorker reporter after he was caught masturbating on Zoom.
The most ridiculous of these Defenders was the New York Daily News which has become the East Coast version of the LA snowflake Times which claimed that people are uncomfortable around people who masturbate.
Of course if you masturbated in the subway he would be in jail or in a mental institution which is probably where the New Yorker reporter should be
But there is a more symbolic element here and that any misbehavior by the left is accepted regardless of how outrageous.
Well these same people are extremely judgmental of people on the right this is also true when it comes to historical figures
The woke crowd wants to judge every historic figure by a single contemporary standard and is unforgiving despite the fact that many of the people they're condemning and tearing down statues of did great and noble things that help compensate for the prejudices and other issues they may have had their lives
At the same time we have the same woke people who are selling us on the idea of forgiving contemporary criminals so we have muggers and rapists being dumped back out on the street in the illusionary idea that we are reforming them so that they continue to commit crimes and yet are forgiven again and again regardless of week of victims they leave behind.
Woke is all about selfishness on the part of the left and this self-indulgent behavior that would not be tolerated if it was on the right
This is also true of the current emerging Biden controversy.
The left has been trying to crucify Trump with trumped-up charges for years and yet when a credible evidence emerges that the person they are backing for president turns out to be the real crook they ignored or justify it or pretend like it's phony.
Media is also guilty of this in regard to the recent allegations of interference with the election by Iran. Time magazine for instance reported that Iran was working on behalf of the Trump Administration to intimidate voters, using a right-wing group when in truth Iran was trying to create the fiction that Trump people were intimidating voters when they were not.
We have media digging up every possible instance of racism to spread across their front pages in order to imply that this is a national problem when it's really minor incidents that are taken out of context and given much more validity by a false narrative. CBS is particularly guilty of this but so is the Washington Post.
You have to forgive everybody because we are now less than two weeks out of an election everybody is nervous about and so the Democrats are desperate and media is throwing every possible thing at the wall to make Trump look bad especially the covid-19 stuff but in two weeks or in a couple of days after the election all this will be over and either will have more rioting in the streets by wacko woke people or we will have an incompetent president who will soon be replaced by a radical.
And radical Democrats are just aching to take power, even though they will have to take an oath to uphold the constitution, something they have also vowed to destroy.
They are so busy telling the rest of us how we ought to think and what to believe, they forget they are supposed to represent the interests of all 340 million Americans, not just that percentage of the population that put them in office.
Though them we have Karl Marx being dug up from the grave to tell us how to run our country, a man who hated millionaires yet had to beg people to give him a meal.
Marx and his Woke descendants talk a lot about “working poor,” but don’t actually know what working is or being poor, unless you count living in their parents basements, getting their parents to pay off their college loans or better by socialistic governors in Democratic states.
Instead of burning down cities to protest how unfair capitalism is, they ought to get a job, get of their parents and pay off their own goddamn student loans they way the rest of us did.
Woke people have made a career out of complaining and as the mayors of New York City, Portland, Seattle and Los Angeles prove, they are virtually incompetent when someone actually is stupid enough to elect them into public office.
Woke people are far better complaining about other people’s leadership than being real leaders themselves.

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