Saturday, October 10, 2020

Biden as a used car salesman


Saturday, October 10, 2020


 Biden’s refusal to tell us whether he will pack the court if elected is a lot like what Nixon did when running for president in 1968.

Nixon kept saying he had a secret plan to end the war in Vietnam – which turned out to be bombing the enemy back to the stone age.
Biden is a lot like a used car salesman. He promises a lot about what he’ll do if he becomes president, but he won’t let us look under the hood.
Harris is worse, her campaign behind her skirt, coming on like a power player up until someone challenges her, and then it’s “mansplaining.”
Most people see Harris as the real presidential candidate.
She’s as hard boiled as a chunk of granite, while trying to come off as a manipulable chunk of clay. But the minute to you try to mold her into something useful, she bites your head off.
Media is throwing so much garbage at the walls it's hard to keep track of all of the themes they are trying to promote.
Clearly we are in the midst of the storm that last chance for the major media to condemn Trump for everything that is wrong in the world
People used to think that it was extreme to accuse somebody of controlling the weather but this is even thrown in with the kitchen sink. This suggests that maybe the poll numbers that everybody is putting out on the plate to suggest Biden is 10 to 12 points head may not be accurate
One democratic pollster has pulled back and said that the other polls being posted are far from being accurate and that the race between Biden and Trump is actually only about two points
Trump supporters are really clinging to the 2016 election and the secret ballot that came out from the silent majority
We used to hear a lot about the silent majority back in the 1970s and 80s when people were too shy to actually say anything about their preference
Think about how much shyer they are now when they may suspect that if they give up information to a pollster a bunch of protesters will show up and try to burn down their house.
I'm not relying on this because who knows where things really are and we are in an era of media manipulation and desperation.
Media cannot afford to let Trump win because it will show just how uncredible major media has become and  how lacking there are in real influence.
This explains the 24-hour seven-day-a-week anti Trump stories that appear in all of the major media against him.
This is a less about getting by the elected then it is about preserving its own power; Media cannot afford to have Trump win.
So we get every kind of twisted little message especially about how infected Trump must be – this in order to keep Trump and Biden from having another head-to-head debate in which Trump may make up for the mistakes he made during the first debate and Biden may finally fall on his face
Nancy Pelosi meanwhile is trying to evoke the 25th Amendment which is confusing everybody everywhere since if the polls are right and the Democrats are so far ahead this only serves to make the Trump supporters more vehement about getting him elected.
There it is the old concept of letting sleeping dogs lie.
In the end nobody knows where the elections going to go. One person I know thinks the Trump win but it'll take months to sort through the mail in ballot conspiracy and to figure out just how many votes are good.
Another advocate for Trump believes the whole thing will fall into the Supreme Court where the Republicans will try to invalidate the mail in ballots because of all of the misappropriation of ballots that appeared to be surfacing now
This is what the Supreme Court nominee is so important endless about roe versus Wade.
It's the Democrats who are selling the terror of possible reversal of the abortion rights when the goal is much more near-term.
It will be this supreme court that decides the election if this Trump Advocate is right.
It's no wonder Pelosi is desperate to remove Trump ahead of the election and possibly through the whole nation into chaos.
If the theory is that the Democrats deliberately destroyed the economy by shutting it down due to COVID then they are capable of doing anything including allowed the country to go off the deep end into a constitutional crisis
It is hard to imagine what they think is so much at stake that they can't wait for years to run for the presidency what is opens up in 2024.

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