Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The only Green in the New Green Deal is money


Joe Biden embracing of the new green deal has open the gates to get rich quick schemes by every questionable scientific group in America
Went modern scientists talk about the new green deal they mean green as in money
Now that Biden is president the flood of Capital will pour into the coffers of these questionable scientist as each commits himself or herself into creating an even bigger vision of world catastrophe
If you don't see Doom in your forecast you won't get a grant but there is a huge amount of grant money to be cotton if you are willing to play Chicken Little and claim the sky is falling.
If you do not have a world-ending catastrophe Theory then you don't get funded

We keep hearing from these Advocates how we ought to trust the science when this is the most scurrilous science we have seen in generations, full of made-up science fiction that they have created in order to make sure that the money flow continues, money that was interrupted for years by a President Who did not have the wool pulled over his eyes by climate change frauds

This may explain the recent University of Southern California Los Angeles study that showed that over the last 100 years the climate has warmed more than in the previous two thousand years
Of course this is somewhat disingenuous since the study completely ignored the little Ice Age which actually made the Earth colder over the last two thousand years a cycle out of which we have just started to emerge -- conveniently over the last hundred years
There is no question that the Earth is warming otherwise those of us living in New York would still be digging ourselves out of the glacier age.
The silliness of this is to question whether or not it is a man-made phenomenon or something that has been going on for 20,000 years and whether or not humankind has been the primary cause of it
Unfortunately in contemporary science you either buy the religion of climate change or you're considered some kind of extremist
Oil companies and other corporations connected with traditional energy have conducted studies of their own but become discredited because they are done in the interest of preserving those Industries even if their information is more accurate than the questionable green science we're getting.
But under the new regime in Washington anyone with a whacked-out theory of global catastrophe will get funding even when other studies conducted by more reputable scientist have better information.
The only flood we're going to get from all of this rising sea level crap nonsense is the flood of applications for grants to show just how bad humanity has been when in fact the world itself is changing mostly on its own accord.
A lot of these green scientists point to the fact that the sea levels are rising and that the ice caps are melting. Both are true only not at the rates they claimed and not for the reasons they give us.
Greenland has become the great symbol of climate change and how we have access to the Arctic when we did not previous to this.
Except we did have access to some of these places a fact that these green scientists seem to neglect to point out
Prior to the little Ice Age Vikings actually farmed in Greenland but lost access to the land when the Gulf Stream changed and that land reverted to a frozen tundra.
The little ice age is a term for a period of time when the Gulf Stream changed and much of the north that had been opened prior to that refroze.

This generally is dated from about 1100 ad to 1870 or so at which point the environment against warm again just that it did for the previous 20,000 years.
And since modern green science equates most of its studies from 1872 to the present these overeducated and greedy so-called scientists mistakenly attribute warming to something created by the Industrial Revolution which happened to occur at the same time.
There are very serious scientific questions as to whether the carbon dioxide that is rising in the atmosphere is actually causing this since two other periods in history showed greater levels and yet colder atmosphere.
We also hear a lot about the new storms that are creating flooding in areas never seen before which is a lot of hogwash.

These scientists point to Sandy up here in the North when in fact we have seen similar periodic storms dating back for hundreds of years largely ignored by green science most notable with the 1887 floods and the monstrous flood of 1903, both as potent as Sandy, but largely ignored because they don’t fit in the Green science schemes for world domination.
There is a problem with development since the new population -- many of whom are complaining about rising water -- have moved into places that were known flood zones and usually restricted to uses that would not be affected such as industry. The big difference here is that now because people are living in these zones they complain that they need protection against Rising floods where concrete now has replaced the areas where water used to be absorbed.
Many of these people are now hoping green deal could build walls around cities that should not have been rolled in the first place because they should not have been constructed on in the first place.
Hierocracy of course is pretty consistent with green deal that tends to ignore any evidence that disputes their claims. especially when nothing that new green deal has projected so far has come to fruition living up to the old barn Twain quote about lies damned lies and statistics


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