Thursday, July 29, 2021

January 6 Commission sheds crocodile tears


Elton John’s song, Crocodile Rock kept running through my head during the whole time I watched the January 6 Committee hearing this week, only I kept substituting crocodile tears for the lyrics instead.

No Saturday Night Live skit has been so hilarious as this scene was, and perhaps was even scripted by SNL writers for the occasion.

Nothing inspires laughter so heartily as watching grown men cry on cue.

We, of course expect, no less fake emotions from Congress since they are professional frauds in the first place – or as Mary McCarthy once called them, “illiterate hacks whose fancy vests are spotted with gravy and whose speeches, hypocritical, unctuous and slovenly, are spotted also with the gravy of political patronage.”

So, it is no accident that we have these hacks holding this hearing the same week Congress is trying to hoodwink the public with its infrastructure bill, trying no to let the gravy of political patronage show on their fancy vests.

Pelosi’s committee may well live up to Mark Twain’s assessment of congress when he said, “there is no distinctively native American criminal class except congress.”

Having Congressmen and women cry on cue is no surprise. These are people who have used people's emotions for years to get elected.

The shock came seeing those officers who enforce the laws in Washington DC bawling their brains out, suddenly emotionally overcome by memories of actually having to do their job.

This flood of Tears must have had many real cops around the country rolling on the floor in absolute hysterics at what they were witnessing.

Try to remember that Pelosi and her henchmen were first on line to ask for the defunding of the police in many cities – even though with real crime rising in places like Seattle and Chicago – they are quick to deny it.

This idea that the protest of January 6 – in which one officer died of unrelated injuries – warrants national attention when the murder rate in Chicago and the slaughter of cops elsewhere in the county does seems more tragic than funny, leaving an audience confused over what the Democrats are trying to accomplish by crucifying a few protestors while letting real murders get off.

Obviously, the January 6th commission's primary objective is to totally humiliate police officers in public and this commission did its best to destroy the reputations of those cops it dragged up to testify as witnesses

This Veil of Tears might well do to put out the wildfires in California and solve the drought phony climate change scientists claim have been caused by human activity.

Hollywood could not have done worse job in creating a scene like this, changing Fred Allen’s one time claim “Hollywood is a place where people from Iowa mistake each other for movie stars,” to Congress where the general public is expected to mistake orchestrated like this commission as real.

This is not a scene Mr. Smith Goes to Washington; more like one from Ferris Bueller's Day Off with taxpayers forced to pay the salary of amateur actors trying to play the role of Pilate in a retelling of “The Greatest Story Ever Told.”

We didn’t get a cast of thousands but got enough crocodile tears as if we did.

Since we already know the outcome of this kangaroo court, Pelosi and company had to come up with something to pump up the volume, and gave us the wailing tears of supposedly grown men, who we at any moment expect to throw themselves down onto the floor in a tantrum, men and women in whom  we trust our lives and livelihood, and cops who are actually trust to carry a weapon provided they can see what they are shooting at through that veil of tears.

You have to wonder what happens next time they go out into the street to actually do their job and a suspect looks at them and remembers them on the screen and starts laughing their ass off just the way most police officers would during their testimony.

Let’s face it, nobody expected much from these hearings. So, nobody is disappointed by the lack of justice they are giving us.

Bad theater is better than no theater, although most of those involved can’t even come up with a performance to rival Arnold Schwarzenegger, even if the ultimate aim is for congress to take on the role as terminator.

I don't mind political theater I just wish it was good political theater.
But watching Kinzinger wiping tears from his face as he listens to testimony almost made me do it spit take of my morning coffee and reaching for my bottle of Tums to keep from puking.

This is not an unusual reaction to Kinzinger. But watching him pretending to be sympathetic sent it over the top.

Maybe he and the other members of the January 6th commission can get acting lessons so that next time they have a performance that seems a little bit less fraudulent.

The question is how to you top a performance of a room full of grown men bawling their eyes out?

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