Saturday, July 31, 2021

Will January 6 Commission crucify Trump?


Shakespeare could not have written political intrigue was well as the one currently transpiring in Washington to these days, as Democrats desperately try to preserve their hold on power, and to discredit those who believe the 2020 election had been stolen.

While the January 6 Commission has central stage in its attempt to reshape that event into an insurrection, building a case that Trump had used the protestors as part of a political coup in order to keep power -- rather than a legitimate protest over the belief that the Democrats had used software to steal enough votes to get Biden elected.

Pelosi has already rigged the commission by refusing to allow anyone to sit on it that has any point of view but the one she is selling, making it impossible for anyone to cross examine the witnesses.

The first day was full of grown police officers crying over how much they had to endure when protestors stormed the capital in order to hold accountable those public officials who were about to “steal” the election in favor of the Democrats.

Nobody was throwing rocks at the cops they way they did during the Chicago Convention in 1968, although many did take over the offices the way protestors did Columbia University. No national guard were called in to shoot protestors as in Kent State. No scene from Henry IV could have rivaled the overacting we got from legislators such as Kinzinger, whose tears flowed like gentle rain from heaven each glittering in the bright lights of TV cameras.

The second day brought the supposed “smoking gun” as the rigged court of Democrats and Trump-haters like Kinzinger heard testimony from the Department of Justice about a phone call Trump made asking the Department to call the 2020 election “corrupt.” This was at a time when most Trump supporters believed the Democrats had used software to rig the election, but the Justice Department refused to investigate, and courts refused to hear evidence from GOP and other lawyers – with even the U.S. Supreme Court too scared to raise the wrong questions about the legitimacy of Biden’s presidency. This was at a time when Media and the new Biden administration had begun a purge of anybody in and out of government who even hinted that the election might have been stolen.

This testimony by a career member of the Department of Justice comes also at a time when the head of the Department of Justice has been threatening those states that are auditing the election results, sending a message that the Department would step in if they found results that are contrary to the narrative that Biden had beaten Trump in those states.

Is it any wonder that career men in the Department are scrambling to show their loyalty to the new regime and producing bits of evidence Democrats can use to build their case against Trump?

The Spanish and other inquisitions of the Middle Ages may well seem tame in this behind-the-scenes power struggle to legitimize the Democratic claim for power. Arms are being twisted, careers threatened, criminal indictments alluded to in order to keep everybody on the inside following the party line in making it clear, Biden is king of the hill.

Not all of this is happening inside the government either. Lawyers who have raised the wrong questions have been disbarred, and businesses that support the Trump belief that the election may have been stolen are seeing serious backlash from Democratic supporters.

Added to this, the Justice Department in the same week ordered the IRS to release Trump’s tax returns to Congress – obviously determined to provide the January 6 hearing with more fodder from which to fabricate evidence that January 6 was an attempt to overthrow the government rather than an attempt to keep the Democrats from doing so.

Democratic-leaning Media is having a field day trying to shape the January 6 events into the myth of insurrection the Democrats are trying to sell.

There is very little doubt that if you create a kangaroo court like the January 6 Commission and stack it with anti-Trump people, you are going to come up with the skewed conclusion that Pelosi wants.

This commission has several purposes. First, to bury once and for all any belief that Biden stole the 2020 election. Secondly, to paint the January 6 event into an insurrection rather than a protest against Congress certifying a stolen election. Thirdly, to dash GOP chances of regaining control of Congress in 2020 and to destroy Trump and keep him from running for president in 2024.

The January 6 Commission is political theater at its best and a power struggle at its worst, making the anti-communist hearings of the 1950s look tame – partly because there is much more at stake, if Trump is right and the Democrats actually did steal the 2020 election.





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