Friday, July 30, 2021

Washington Post is chicken little about delta chickenpox



The Washington Post has come up with it CDC document that supposedly said that Delta virus is as contagious as chicken pox.
This report has been picked up by all the other major media as if it's fact
Only nobody else can verify whether the information is true because it came as all things from The Washington Post through some unnamed source.
Of course, the report defies logic because if this was true the White House which is determined to force people to vaccinate would have released it as an official statement.

This unverified piece of nonsense is part of a series of communications among health officials speculating about what the new strain is about by some researcher who appears to have supplied no verification or science to support the conclusion.

Leaks like this are very common because they allow the government to say something that is not true but get it out into the public anyway thereby allowing the White House or CDC to later tonight when real scientist and real doctors dispute it.

“A man never reaches that dizzying height of wisdom that he can no longer be led by the nose,” said Mark Twain.

But once reports like this are out into the mainstream media there's no pulling it back or denying it in people's minds. You can’t put jack back into the box regardless of how much of a lie it is.
This has been the Mainstay of mainstream media for years breaking a trial balloon like this, letting people believe it's true and then later quietly walking it back.
So, we get misinformation through major media who claims anti-vax people are spreading misinformation.

To modify something Mark Twain once said, the best way to find out if media is honest, ask them, if they say yes, you know they are crooked

The official figures – when the CDC actually releases them seems to differ from the hysteria the white house and media are promoting.’

We are not seeing a repeat of covid-19; we are seeing a spike most predicted would occur if we opened the economy. This has brought us back to late spring numbers as far as positive cases, figures that allowed us to reopen the economy.

But we are seeing a resurgence of the hysteria that covid-19 caused without much of the evidence to back it up.
Even with covid-19 the rate of recovery was 99% and most people if they felt any symptoms, they were mild the same is true of this.
One report said that the United States has the most positive in the world which is true because United States is doing the most testing of any country in the world. This is the field of dream method of science, if you test it, people will test positive.
We are also seeing non-vaccinated people being scapegoated and targeted for abuse even by public officials ,a kind of witch-hunt that is determined to make second-class citizens of them and turn people into them like a Lynch Mob.
Delta apparently does spread more easily than covid but that doesn't mean it's more deadly and the problem here is we have an obsession by the White House to meet its 70% vaccination number and to distract people with new hysteria from the complete failures of the administration.
Most of what we're seeing is forcing people to comply like that Witch Hunt of January 6th commission Which is less interested in finding truth then assigning blame and creating a myth about what actually happened on January 6th with a pack of cry baby capitol cops justifying why they were so incompetent.
The motive for this new hysteria are still not certain but it is clear that this is more about politics than it is about science or health and that we are not going to see this go away until everybody complies

Despite the Washington Post report this is hardly an epidemic of epidemic proportions. It is an epidemic of media misinformation, even if the motive still remains unsolved.

Unfortunately, many in the public will buy this bullshit, confirming an observation by Oscar Wilder: “There is much to be said in favor of modern journalism. By giving us the opinion of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community.”







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