Monday, July 26, 2021

War for the White House



Obama wants Biden out of the White House now that Biden has served his purpose as a trojan horse
The problem is Biden does not want to leave now that he's actually has the seat. This partly explains why Obama's doctor has labeled Biden unfit the first step in a process that will likely in the invoke the 25th Amendment.
This also explains the Warfare going on between Biden and Harris.
Obama never wanted Biden as a candidate he wanted Harris but because Harris his girl was unelectable they had to use Biden seen as a moderate the gain the White House.
Now that Biden has won Obama wants to replace him with Harris.
This has resulted in a conflict between the president and vice president as Harris tries to position herself for the transition and Biden resists.

This may explain why Harris and Biden are locked in a bitter behind the scenes

Obama needs Harris wants to evoke the 25th Amendment but may not have the votes necessary to pull it off -- at least not yet.
The 25th Amendment was passed after Kennedy assassination in order to preserve the transition of power the White House.
Although there are several provisions to keep one is the fact that the vice president can take over as president if he or she declares the president incompetent or incapacitated.
That's right folks this is straight out of that movie Air Force One but in truth actually does exist.
What is needed however is a majority of the cabinet members to go along with the vice president.  And there's the rub. Just who are the cabinet members loyal to?

While Biden might crave the power the position brings him, his staff may be more interested in the graft that comes with being close to the President, kickbacks from lobbyists and others who themselves want to snuggle up with one of the most powerful men in the world.

Biden may well be as out of touch with reality as Obama’s doctor claims, but Biden’s staff will do everything to protect him and their own interests, even if it means opposing the real mastermind behind the 2020 coup, Barrack Obama.

Behind the scenes is a lot of sabotage going on
it was no accident that Biden sent Harris to the Mexico border to deal with the illegal immigration mess. It is a no-win situation for her, and no matter what she does, she would look incompetent (as if she doesn’t already.)

And she knowing this deliberately avoided going to the Mexican border in order not to have that stain on her record.
Her staff appears to be the primary group behind the sabotaging of Biden and pushing many of the video things we see on the internet of Biden's incompetence.

Biden's people, meanwhile, are spreading wild rumors about dissatisfaction among Harris's staff in order to evoke chaos there, and to seed mistrust in the public for her leadership which seems to be working
Polls orchestrated by media-friendly to Biden apparently show Harris’ numbers dropping.
On the other hand, media loyal to Harris have been coming up with polls that show Biden's favorability dropping as well.

The Harris-Biden feud doesn’t help Trump as much as the feud between Biden and Obama.

Since Obama is the real mastermind behind the Biden administration, the longer Biden holds out, the more uncertain people in the swamp are about who to throw their loyalty behind.

Obama wins if Harris takes over, but Obama can't be as obvious as he was when he sabotaged the NBA and other professional sports.
You have to remember of Obama once supported violent overthrow of capitalism in his youth and while he seems to have modified that when elected president to become a socialist Democrat instead, the fall of capitalism (and perhaps the American government itself) may well still be his ultimate aim.

He could not do this while President without exposing himself and his true agenda. But now, as the man with his hands on the levers, he can finally orchestrate this from behind the scenes, bringing the nation closer and closer to open conflict – which is to establish a Marxist state

As president, Obama used several tools for this purpose – among which is the unproven and completely inaccurate concept of manmade climate change. He and others supported a United Nations group that protected climate science from being challenges with the ultimate aim of redistributing wealth from the Unites States to third world countries.
But Obama's primary tool has been the use of race, creating deeper and deeper divisions that did not exist prior to his administration.
This is why Biden is not exactly the perfect candidate to initiate a race war whereas Harris might be.
Obama did not want Biden as president in the first place; he wanted Harris and only back Biden when it was clear that America wanted a moderate Democrat, and not an extremist like Harris.

Thus, Biden became the Trojan Horse of Marxism that allowed the Marxists to take over the White House and the rest of government.
But Bidens usefulness to Obama ceases and we’re getting closer to the point to get Harris in the White House a better face for the new Revolution than Biden.
Unfortunately for Obama he has created a Shakespearian dilemma for himself, in that Biden is not yet willing to give up power now that he has attained it.

His removal will be almost as ugly and obvious as the 2020 election was.




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