Sunday, September 23, 2018

Democrats to impeach Thomas and Kavanaugh

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Apparently taking their cue from an old chewing gum commercial about doubling their pleasure, Democrats have developed a back up to derail the GOP’s control of the Supreme Court
Not only do the Democrats intend to use Christine Blasey Ford as an excuse to impeach Kavanaugh if and when the GOP gets balls enough to confirm him, but the Democrats are reinvesting Anita Hill in an attempt to impeach Thomas as well.
Democrats apparently have been keeping Hill like their chewing gum on the bedpost over night in order to hatch this latest plot.
All this, of course, will depend on their ability to retake both houses of Congress, and then convince the public that the questionable charges in both cases have merit.
Democrats may be despairing of stopping Kavanaugh in a traditional way because witnesses to the alleged crime are telling media it most likely never happened, and the smear campaign to bring down Kavanaugh in the eyes of the GOP controlled Senate isn’t working.
Media, of course, has been turning over every stone possible to try to build a smear campaign against Kavanaugh – not only because the Democrats want the GOP to withdraw his name, but also to build a body of headlines that Democrats can use in the mid-term elections.
This has been the Democratic double-bang theory from the start, this collusion between political forces and the media – which has spread out like a virus and has produced negative headline after negative headline Democratic candidates are loading into their campaign literature.
Just how the GOP hopes to inoculate itself against this media driven typhoid Mary campaign remains questionable.
The impeachment strategy also requires the Democrat to clean up Anita Hill and make her into a heroine again – and so to create this illusion that the GOP is putting a bunch of sex perverts on the court.
This is an outgrowth of the MeToo virus that has been plaguing people for several years and subverting the legal system in order to force those accused to prove their innocence rather than accuser to prove guilt.
Again, headlines have turned into media courts where people – mostly men – are convicted before there is any real evidence.
So, expect if the Democrats retake congress for this media show to increase and the Democrats to seek to drive Thomas and Kavanaugh out by impeaching them.

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