Saturday, June 20, 2020

New Jim Crow? I don’t think so

The Democratic strategy has shifted after the COVID-19 destruction of the national economy seems to have failed to achieve the anti-Trump effect the Democrats hoped for.
After countless staged protests around the nation since the conclusion of the 2016 election, pointless and often criminal attempts to impeach Trump, Democrats have resorted to the most fundamental political strategy: race war.
In a desperate attempt to get back the support Democrats lost when African American voters revolted against the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, the Democrats appear to be trying to recreate Jim Crow, raising questionable claims about systemic racism when statistics appear to not support these claims.
Media being complicit with this move is quick to clamp down on any of its own that dares to raise questions about the legitimacy of the new black power movement – such as the newspaper reporter who was fired from her job in New England for writing a column in a conservative publication raising such doubts.
Critics of the new black power movement are in a double bind – especially political leaders, who must choose between providing safety for their community and caving into the demands of a radical movement whose soul purpose is to shift control of the government drastically to the left.
Even some of the most ardent white supporters of Black Lives Matters have serious doubts about the tactics used in this new revolution. While these liberals have no problem punishing rural whites who voted for Trump by tearing down statutes and outlawing flags, when these radical protests come to their towns, these liberals board up their windows and wait for the first to start.
A Cherryhill councilwoman made the dreadful mistake of comparing looters and rioters to animals and was forced to resign for what was considered a racial slur.
But she reflects the thinking of a lot of liberals who give lip service to the Black Lives Matters as long as the fires being set are in black neighborhoods or in towns where the population voted for Trump.
To raise questions about these protests is to invite being called a racist.
The Democratic Party appears to be riding this wave of misguided hysteria as politician after politician takes a knee. Elected officials whose scripts are being written by Democratic think tanks have suddenly woken up to racism, even if in many cases, this racism is exaggerated or even manufactured.
This appears to be an effort by the Democrats to recreate the 1960s Civil Rights movement, only lacking the fire hoses and Jim Crow laws that inspired truly remarkable leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The Democrats are scapegoating law enforcement for political gains with the hope that if the Democrats can create some new breed of Freedom Rider they might regain the White House and all the economic spoils that come with control of the federal government.
While there are some truly racist cops – just as there are racist lawyers, bus drivers, bakers and such – the massive shift towards ethic and racial diversity has made it almost impossible for systemic racism in police departments, or for that matter in most government.
The Civil Rights movement and its aftermath created the greatest move to create equality for blacks in history, with massive government investment into schools, housing and social programs.
While law enforcement appears to have gone too far in sentencing guidelines that resulted in long terms for people convicted of minor crimes (many of who are of color), massive changes over the last two decades have led to early release, drug intervention, bail reform and other positive changes (including the restoration of the right to vote), hardly the stuff of systemic racism. In fact, students from high school to collage have become so indoctrinated with liberal teaching it is difficult to find where exactly the systemic racism exists in education.
While there have been outrageous acts committed against crime suspects such as the horrible murder of George Floyd, national statistics show that twice as many whites are killed in confrontations with police as compared to blacks.
This is somewhat unfair comparison.
Conflicts in the hood have a whole different tenor than rural or suburban, and race tends to play a key role in those conflicts where blacks dies.
Urban conflicts are often a power struggle, where suspects often deliberately taunt cops, testing the limits in a conflict that sometimes leads to violence even death. Part of this has to do with the perception of powerlessness many urban blacks feel where cops always seem to have the upper hand.
It isn’t so much the 400 year history of slavery that rears its ugly head, but white flight after World War II when many blacks moved north in what is called the Great Migration, flooding cities that did not have the resources to provide for them, often competing for jobs with whites who had struggled through the great depression and union conflicts.
Contrary to popular belief, a majority of northern whites did not want the slaves freed leading up to the Civil War, fearing that freed slaves would become competition for jobs and other resources – something that took nearly a century to happen.
White flight took jobs and resources out of the cities and left very little behind for the newly arriving blacks to inherit – piss poor schools, shitty jobs, and relief program meant mostly for short term unemployment.
There wasn’t enough quality housing. Worse still, many of those arriving from the south came from fractured families – Slavery had deliberately broken up families arriving in Hatti from Africa in order to avoid the culture rebellion typical of the Italians, Irish and German immigrants or many of the later immigrant groups such as the Indians and other Asians, who when arriving in America seemed to succeed where African American did not.
This wasn’t institutionalized racism keeping the blacks down as many radicals – and opportunistic Democrats – claim today, but a shattered internal social structure that left many of young blacks with no guidance, no structure, and often resulted in their building artificial family structures such as street gangs.
The ghetto became a breeding ground for crime and drug abuse, with no social structure to deal with it except law enforcement.
Billions were spent to build housing projects that later became incubators for crime.
The radical civil rights movements of the 1960s turned into massive crime wave in the 1970s and 1980s, and misguided public officials (many of whom are kneeling these days) passed laws that sent many young men to prison for long periods of time – mandatory sentencing that even lenient judges could not defy.
Legislation passed under the LBJ administration and implemented by the Nixon Administration poured even more money into the cities in an attempt to deal with poverty – good money after bad, some claimed, since the social programs – largely operated by Democrats – did not addressed the structural problems many blacks faced.
Worse still, affirmative action and welfare did not accomplish what they were designed to do and became targets of Republican outrage because it seemed the more the country spent in these reparations, then less effective the programs because. Ghetto moms collected more welfare the more children they had – especially if the fathers were not around.
While the GOP tried to cut these funds and reform welfare, it was a Democratic President, Bill Clinton, who derailed this important safety net, forcing people off the welfare rolls – often leaving whole families without medical coverage and a limited food supplement.
Clinton was credited with saving the economy, but he did it on the backs of poor blacks who went jobless, homeless, and often were forced even deeper into crime.
Obamacare was a desperate attempt to restore welfare without actually calling it that, but it did not deal with the fundamental issues faced in the African American community – lack of jobs, poor education, and a still-fractured family.
Democrats scrambled to find new ways to deal with these issues, repealing the odious laws that put people of color in jail unfairly, creating social programs to reintegrate people back into the community. Bail reform and other programs attempted to make up for mistakes of the past and defied the mistaken notion that there is systemic racism. If anything, the system has bent over backward to fix the historic problems faced by African Americans.
But to point this out and to challenge the radicals – black and white – who insist on knocking down statues, burning buildings and looting business – is to be labeled a racist.
Accusing someone of being racist immediately it didn't validate anything they say or any objection they have to the tactics being used by the so-called New Black Panther Movement .
The strategy here is if you're not with them then you're against him and there's no gray area between the sides.
This is the kind of logic that led to the Mass Slaughter in the Civil War when do were other options that could have been taken but the radicals had dominated the conversation to the point where violence was inevitable
This is part of the reason why many black historians hate Lincoln because he refused to take the most radical position and ultimately was forced to go to war to defend the radicals even went in his heart he hoped for a more peaceful solution.
The problem here is that this is not pre Civil War or even Jim Crow are but a. After nearly 60 years of reforms and efforts to help the African American community.
One idiot from black television network suggested that African-Americans should get $14 trillion in retribution this comes from a campaign that has been wages by this new intellectuals to somehow claim that North and South were equally culpable in slave trade.
The truth is most of the northern conservative really did not like slave trade for reasons that had nothing to do with human dignity, but resented the fact that their manifest destiny would not go to them exclusively, but might be shared with slaves they did not import.
A number of historians claim the north benefited from slavery as much as the south and so should pay reparations, failing to note that only a handful of these northern opportunities did, and that most immigrants – in particular the Irish and Italians – lived in squalor in the north nearly as bad as the slave quarters blacks fled from.
Many of those who have actually backed the abolitionists were actually more racist than the South and opposed the Dred Scott decision because it through open the doors to the spread of slavery West when the north wanted exclusive rights to the West for whites only.
Southern courts actually ruled that the slave in question in that decision should have been set free, citing not only southern law, but English law upon which the American system of justice was based.
Webster – a very vocal critic of slavery – blamed the Abolitionists for prolonging slavery since the loud obnoxious rhetoric detailed anti-slavery moments in the south, which actually outnumbered similar groups in the north.
Even then, many of those who led the confederate army had started to educate and free their slaves in the decade before the war, seeing the end of slavery as inevitable. Even Forrest – a former slave dealer prior to the war and later the founder of the KKK – came to realize slavery was wrong. He constructed the KKK as a tool to fight the carpetbagger abolitionists who raped the south after the war, then disavowed the KKK when the group started attacking former slaves.
Lee, Stonewall Jackson and others not only educated their slaves – sometimes against the law – but set them free well before the war.
Several historians point out that slaves were not as helpless or hapless as abolitionist propaganda made out, and that there was already negotiations going on between slave owners and slaves to modify the system and improve conditions for slaves – in much the way similar issues were being resolved in the north through unionization, and to some degrees less violently.
Southern whites attempted to make slavery seem less odious by making it seem more like a feudal system of lords and serfs. Many slaves used this to negotiate better treatment and to develop a kind of bill of rights for all slaves.
But the deluded abolitionists – much like those of current radical movements of today – were too impatient to allow this process to work or for slavery to fade away as an unworkable economic system.
The north had already imposed tariffs on the south that would eventually break the back of slavery – as Lincoln and other moderates hoped.
Even after a bloody war that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Americans, Lincoln hoped to save the south. His death allowed the Abolitionists to seize power and then punish the south instead.
Jim Crow laws emerged not because of overt racism, but out of revenge against the northern abolitionists who and destroyed a whole culture. The radical abolitionists operated out of their sanctuary in the north through surrogates (many former slaves) and because southern whites could not get even with these northern assholes, resentment against blacks became a serious issue – the KKK killed people, Jim Crow laws punished them simply cause they were symbolic of northern oppression. Over time, resentment became racism and eventually led to heroic actions by people such as MLK.
Lincoln's position was that if you isolate slavery who would eventually die out and that was his goal and so by containing slavery eventually the western states would out vote the South and would have much more say in what kind of Labor Force occurred in the south.
Media outlets in particular New England drowned out the voice of moderates as the abolitionists pushed for immediate emancipation rather than gradual release of slaves . Some groups advocated for voluntary freeing the slaves which was probably the most popular in the South or in some cases the payment by the federal government to release the slaves that's causing a massive crash in the economy that would have destroyed North and South.
This idea of reparation now is purely money bread but it is also a promise to buy votes in the upcoming election since black extended not to come out in the numbers the Democrats needed in 2016 explaining why Hillary Clinton's campaign crashed.
But the new breed of abolitionist in selling its brand of hate acts as if all whites everywhere are racist and that racism pervades the system when the opposite is true.
While there is no shortage of white supremacists, they are a very small minority, partly invigorated by The Clinton Administration to suppress them – often violently.
We hear liberal preachers telling us that white supremacists are everywhere, just the way we used to hear this about communists.
Because there are so few neo-Nazis to put on display, the new radicals need to build their movement on the backs of cops – some of whom might be racist, most of whom are poorly trained and often provoked into violence they did not intend.
Strategy from the Democrats seem to be to destroy the economy that Trump built and secondly create a new civil rights movement that would paint police as being in league white supremacist groups.
These are code words of course for strategy to undermine the legitimacy of a Trump presidency white supremacist hardly make up the numbers that the black lives matter movement and antifa claim . Like all extremist groups the white supremacist make up a tiny fraction of the GOP and even some Democrats are racist the way some African American groups are racist and extreme.
But by painting all people who are opposed to some of the strategies of the Democratic party as Racist, the Democrats take the high moral ground that they claimed during the Civil Rights Movement and thus make the African-American much more amenable to message the back their candidate for president in November.
Since law enforcement tends to vote Republican they have become the target of abuse even though statistics show that in confrontations with police twice as many whites are killed in African Americans.
Media of course attacks people who criticize this message and so you have this student who working for a newspaper publishes an article questioning some of these mandates in a conservative magazine and then gets fired from her job at the newspaper.
It is terrifying 1984 type stuff that we are witnessing and it is difficult to determine where in the end this will go except back down the same road that was taken to the Civil War because the right whether or not we'll feel impinge by this incredible violence that is taking over cities by so-called new civil rights and they will respond in kind this becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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