Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Brainwashing in college




Every day it gets more terrifying the massive propaganda machine that our educational system has become.

Most recently a defector from the most corrupt politically oppressive country in the world – North Korean – claimed Columbia University is as bad as the country she left, saying that free speech and free thought are not allowed on campus.

Columbia is hardly the only one, but stands head and shoulders above most others, part of that elite liberal Ivy League politically correct country club that is brainwashing youth into believing white people are evil.

One general recently pointed out that the biggest danger to America isn't the Soviet Union or Iran or even China but our own system and education which appears to be deliberately causing mental illness among our children.

These schools have been largely taken over by the hippies of the 1960s and their off-spring, keeping alive failed and dishonest doctrines they could not sell back then, but have found a more gullible collection of idiot children to exploit – charging the parents of these kids outrageous fortunes to twist their minds into pretzels.

Recently, a board of education in New Jersey caved into the Woke crowd in this anti-Christian tirade and banned all religious holidays from the school calendar – largely because they did not want anyone to feel offended.

Nobody appears to be standing up against these woke educators, fearing that they will be labeled white supremacists or worse, in a twisted version of McCarthyism which makes anyone who says anything other than the official doctrine suspect – we lacking only the witch trials of Salem and the official burning at the stake of those found guilty.

Part of the problem is that we have a serious lack of leadership on every level political figure who need overreact to radical groups in order to keep everybody happy and so wind up tearing themselves to more radical positions.

This idea that people get offended by things like Christ and religion and yet at the same time back religions like Islam is a sharp contradiction that nobody seems to really grasp well.

Mara Guy – a brain dead journalist from The New York Times – even got offended when she saw American flags on the backs of vehicles – a sad testimony to her upbringing that clearly refuses to be tolerant of differing opinions while claiming everybody who opposes her as intolerant.

We live in a very anti-Christian anti-Semitic type when we are deliberately eroding the fundamental values of Western Civilization in order to promote some perverted logic, that has become the stable of colleges – like snake oil, building new curriculum based on misinformation such as project 1619 or critical race theory while trying to erase real objective history from any kind of check and balance against these lies and distortions, carrying on this misconceived political notion using liars like Zinn and Chomsky as their Bible, discredited people with mean spirits and this honest scholarship

Who do you blame for all of this and how do you cure it?

Politics and culture are part of the pendulum the further things swing one way the further back they swing the other when the change comes and instead of seeking moderation, we have Puppet Masters like Obama behind the scenes deliberately stoking up hatred in our society and so he is seen as respectable when he is nothing other than a rabble-rouser.

In the end it will boil down to the same thing that destroyed the 60s radical movement practicality as people grow up and decide they have to make a living rather than believe that the whole world should be given to them out of some imaginary pot of money.

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