Saturday, February 10, 2018

Big Brother in High Heals

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Next time your ex-wife accuses you of beating her up regardless of whether it happens, somebody should tell your boss. It is clearly your boss's business what happens in your private life.
This of course is the new Democratic morality media is shoving down the public's throat, as the latest victims of a MeToo witch hunt targets the White House.
And worse if your boss does nothing to punish you for a crime you claim you're innocent of he should be fired.
This comes at a time when White House staffer Rob Porter has been accused by two of his ex-wives of domestic violence.
If guilty, of course, he should be punished, and fired, though his resignation comes at a time when he denies the allegation, despite provocative pictures media has displayed of his alleged victims.
While no charges were originally filed against Porter, the White House apparently was aware of the allegations, and did nothing.
Media and others are now blasting the White House, picking up on this mob morality that people are guilty until proven innocent and that the White House or any other employer should inject itself into a domestic violence situation rather than let the normal system of justice deal with it.
Democrats and their media accomplices are, of course, foisting their own system of justice in an attempt to discredit the White House and bring down the Trump Administration because those at the top refuse to play the part of Big Brother.
This intrusion into private lives is part of an orchestrated campaign by media and Democrats desperate to find a way to undermine close associates of Trump, and raises the fundamental question of what is your boss's business when it comes to what you do in your personal life.
More importantly this is a move to try to destroy Kelly who is one of the key people in the administration and discredit him so that Democrats can finally achieve what they have been doing all along.
The real target is not Porter or even David Sorensen, who resigned this week facing similar allegations.
The Democrats are engaged in the “table theory of politics,” in which they hope to cut off the legs of the table that supports Trump, since all of their previous attempts to undercut him have failed.
Porter and Sorensen are merely vehicles by which the Democrats can bring down Kelly, perhaps one of the single most important figures in the Trump Administration.
Media, Democrats and others appear to believe that Kelly should have taken actions against Porter for what is clearly actions unrelated to his job, interjecting into what would be a routine legal matter if and when the women pressed charges.
Somehow, Kelly becomes responsible for what Porter does outside the work place.
This isn’t just mob morality based on guilt by accusation, but it is also guilt by association,
Kelly in their eyes should have become cop, judge and jury in a case that is not in his job description.
This is typical of the new left which no longer believes in the legal process in which people are innocent until proven guilty. It is crucifixion at the hands of people who accuse them very much the kind of Justice Christ had when people called for him to be executed. Kelly becomes a kind of Pilate forced by media to wash his hands and give into the mob.
But if you take this as an example then every boss in every job suddenly becomes Morality police to this new regime of accusation.
So that if a man is accused of beating his wife at home then the boss is responsible for firing him.
But as I said this is really a calculated attempt by unscrupulous Democrats to use Porter and his wives as a political tool to bring down Trump by bringing down Kelly.
Having failed to convince people about the Russian conspiracy the strategy now is to dismantle the Trump Administration from within.
Admittedly, many unscrupulous employees of the White House have resigned before this, most of them cheap thugs who rode Trump’s coattails to power. Many of these were fringe characters driven out by their own ineptitude. The current attack is aimed at the most upstanding members of the Trump administration, using what would otherwise be a private issue to undermine them.
Attacks on the innocent is nothing new with the Democrats, as was the case in regard to Jared Kushner, another member of the Trump brain trust who helped save the campaign and eventually allowed Trump to become president.
The fact that Kushner did nothing illegal is beside the point when it comes to Democratic attacks on him. This is all about undermining Trump by removing those who actually make Trump's government work.
The strategy did not work on Kushner and hopefully it will not work for Kelly.
But if Democrats cannot get Kelly fired or force him to resign, expect them to engage in even more extreme and radical strategies for overthrowing a government they disapprove of.
In the end this is not about Justice for the women that supposedly were beaten by their husbands. This is about power and how Democrats will resort to anything to regain what they lost in the election.
And it is certainly not about Justice because Democrats clearly are willing to violate the legal process which protects innocent and prosecutes guilty in order to prosecute by mob rule and innuendo.
In this regard, MeToo is nothing but a group of people with pitchforks and Lynch ropes showing up at their enemies’ doors ready to do violence in the name of their own skewed morality.


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