Sunday, February 11, 2018

Welcome to the new morality

Sunday, February 11, 2018

In some ways, what we are witnessing in Washington DC these days is a personal war between two rich white men, the richest man on earth (owner of The Washington Post) and The President of the United States.
It is a tug of war that has the whole country torn apart because two men who hate each other and one which has vowed to bring the other one down.
The Washington Post is fighting to maintain credibility at a time when media objectively has hit new lows and has vowed to prove itself against a president who is not only not afraid of the Post’s historic power but has routinely defied it.
There are no rules in this war.
The Post has become the mouth piece of the opposition party and will make use anything and everything to discredit the president.
The Post and the Democratic Party’s latest gambit is the MeToo movement – which appears to be gaining traction in the New Morality crusade sweeping the country.
Yesterday, Screen Actors Guild – represents those in Hollywood who actually get paid -- came out with new rules regarding what is sexual abuse this after more than a century of misbehavior by actors and producers and others.
This is the latest chapter in a shameful tale of abuse Hollywood and the Democrats hope to sweep under the rug, in much the way some in the country want to erase history, such as the real events leading to and the aftermath of the American Civil War.
This is part of a new women’s vigilante movement that appears to have started when women successfully brought down Bill Cosby, and you have to wonder if and when it will discover rock and roll, and male performers and their relationship with groupies.
This new morality does not rely on God or Bible but some misguided crusade by self-righteous people who need to exert their vision of the world on others, often at the expense of due process.
This new morality insists on telling us how we should live our lives and what we should believe.
Sexual harassment, of course, has always been wrong, but has long been overlooked especially in the entertainment industry where budding actors and actresses put career advancement ahead of their moral principles.
The movement, however, has become a political tool, used by Democrats, as well as media, in a frenzy as vile as that of the Salem Witch Trials, but instead of targeting independent women, the way the witch trials did, it is now women targeting men who they believe have violated them in some way, in which any man can be accused of anything and have his reputation totally screwed because someone somewhere said something about him without due process of law.
This new morality is very selective.
Gillibrand recently made headlines with her call to interview women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct.
This comes at a time when the Democrats have used one of the Kennedys at its spokesperson and the rich sexual and criminal history that has long plagued that family.
The argument there is that we cannot just the past by president moral standards – when hypocritically, that’s exactly what MeToo, media and the Democrats are doing. We cannot raise questions about Teddy Kennedy, or even JFK, but will reach back for decades to contemn people we disagree with politically. God help us all if anyone dares mention Bill Clinton.
I had an argument last week on Facebook with a man who hated Socrates because he claimed Socrates was a fascist, and a model that Hitler used to build his empire. Not only was this person ignorant of history (since it was the Roman Empire Hitler claimed to represent), but also he imposed today’s morality on the past, judging people by a standard he no doubt learned from some obnoxious professor somewhere, who would also pass judgment on Robert E. Lee while being equally ignorant of who Lee was and what he really stood for. It’s easy to tear town statutes when you don’t know what they really mean and impose your own values on them.
This new morality has a more contemporary target in Gen. Kelly, who apparently knew about domestic abuse claims against one of his aides, but did nothing to investigate.
I did not know what the job description for the President’s Chief of Staff included investigating domestic abuse or devolving into the personal lives of employees when such misbehavior has nothing to do with their job.
But apparently, the new Morality Crusade thinks so and is calling for Kelly’s head on a platter because he failed to respond to the complaints in a timely matter. Conveniently, the call for his resignation would benefit most those who are most outspoken against him, namely the Democrats.
I suppose Kelly could have called the local police the way an ordinary citizen might have.
But Democrats and the media (in particularly the Washington Post) are suggesting the Kelly’s lack of action resulted in some kind of cover up and that an employee of the White House might not be prosecuted because of his position of power.
These New Morality Crusaders appear not to know or care about the distinction between a person’s professional role and his or her personal life and would stomp on the constitution by having the White House investigate an alleged crime more suited for the local police.
The crimes in question was no  workplace harassment but something in a person's private life that the new morality insist is now in the realm of public officials rather than police in the courts.
These moral crusaders want to make a case against Kelly as if this was a coverup.
Of course, this is very convenient for the Democrats who have been riding a women issue card since the campaign and feel now that they have some horse to ride on.
Gillibrand, a potential presidential candidate in 2020, apparently wants to pick up where Hillary Clinton left off as the standard bearer for this new and questionably unethical feminist movement. It would be quite a feather in Gillibrand’s hat if she could bring down Kelly and by default, The President.
Like all things Democrats do these days, this is an exploitation of victims for a political gain. While Gillibrand and others claim they are doing this on behalf of the victims of abuse, it is a self-serving exercise and dishonest. It also violates the basic premises of American freedom  for accused have their day in court and to be innocent until proven guilty.
But with the power of media such as The Washington Post (with its owner’s personal grudge against Trump) justice ceases to exist, and we basically have lynching in headlines.
This is a war between two super rich people, the owner of the Post (who is the richest man in the world) with a vendetta against the man in the White House who refuses to take seriously the power of the press. So for media, this Me-Too vehicle is a way of striking blow against a political enemy, regardless of how many other people’s reputations it has to destroy to accomplish this.
We are watching a major chapter of history unfolding where there is a new moral standard being imposed by people who profess sainthood but do not believe in God who believe in freedom only not your freedom to face your day in court who profess to be inclusive yet are exclusive anybody who disagrees with them. While behind the scenes, power brokers manipulate movements for their own purposes.

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