Thursday, March 1, 2018

Are Democrats are coming for your guns?

Thursday, March 01, 2018

PEW Institute estimates that there are between 270 million and 320 million guns in America. It also claims most Americans don’t own guns. Both of these are most likely gross under estimations -- an intellectual wet dream that guns might be eradicated from our society.
Liberals would love to do away with the 2nd amendment, part of their deluded belief that they can reshape the world into the rubberized always safe playground kids are forced to suffer though these days.
Many gun owners live in a different and perhaps more honest reality where nothing is safe and the presumption of safety is not merely an illusion it is dangerous.
Liberals have for generations sought to create a national registry for legal guns. This only feeds into the worst fears of gun owners, some of whom see a potential future of a politically correct hysteria when a liberal or fascist government might use that list to come collect these guns.
This is not as farfetched as might be thought considering the national liberal hysteria plaguing the nation after the Florida shooting.
The hysteria is being fed by political opportunists. Some of these hope to use the issue to undermine Trump. Others are traditional anti gun lobbies using dead kids to further their agenda.
These groups have steered the conversation away from the fact that school officials in Florida ignored clear warning signs and the FBI failed to act when warned. These groups even ignore the fact that cops were ordered not to engage the killer.
In changing the conversation to be about guns, these advocates have successfully scared politicians and retail gun dealers with this public hysteria.
More importantly they are scaring many gun owners who see their worst fears realized Democrats are coming to get their guns
Anti gun advocates like to claim the second amendment never envisioned contemporary weapons. They often misread the second amendment to claim our forefathers meant guns to be in the hands of the military not individuals.
Both of these assumptions are wrong. Weapons contemporary then or now are equally dangerous. One only has to read history of wars fought with those weapons to understand how lethal they were and how well forefathers understood this.
The second amendment was written at a time when there was almost no professional military. People and their guns were drafted to make up the military.
More importantly the amendment was written with distrust of oppressive government as well as fear of mob rule.  This wise distrust is just as relevant today maybe more so.
The 20th century has provided us with clear examples of the dangers of an unarmed public and how easily a liberal Society and turn fascist.
For instance Berlin in some ways more than Paris was considered the center of culture in the 1920s and within a few years became the Holocaust.
Jews and others were isolated, stripped of rights and eventually slaughtered.
At the height of resistance in the Warsaw Uprising, people lacked weapons as well as the knowledge to use them.
This was not an isolated event. People unable to fight back are easily oppressed and well-meaning liberals feed this fear of helplessness with the false notion that we have progressed beyond these things.
This is partly why PEW’s assessment is so screwy. Many will not say if they own guns for the very reason they don’t want a national registry.
This fear also generates the need for powerful weapons. Many of the weapons Jews in Polish ghettos did have were far inferior to those the Nazis had.
The biggest products offered by arms dealers are for the military. Trickle down through homeland security has made many police forces resemble military units.
Ordinary people armed with semi automatic weapons are as out classed as the Jews were in the ghettos were.
Worse still are the extremely well armed street gangs with illegal automatic weapons, increasing this perception of lack of safety.
No liberal think tank is going to make Americans feel safe by proposing gun control for law abiding citizens.
This hysteria will also produce a political backlash against Democrats in a midterm election in which they hope to steal seats from the GOP.

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