Thursday, March 8, 2018

Mad Dog Mueller

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Mueller is about as trustworthy as a foaming at the mouth mad dog.
Democrats might use him to bite Trump, but don’t expect him to deliver justice.
Prosecutors for the most part are political appointees and their total function is to prosecute. It is not in their nature to consider the idea that some people might actually be innocent.
People like Mueller might lie, cheat, steal, to get someone charged with a crime – since their only purpose is to build a case they can prosecute.
Grand juries are a joke because they are most often simply puppets for a prosecutor, a group of people who generally are sympathetic to the prosecutor in the first place, and always only hear one side of a case. There are no defense attorneys, no alternative sets of facts. Grand jurors hear only what the prosecutor wants them to hear.
Having a prosecutor like Mueller is like letting your daughter date a serial rapist. You don’t have to wait until she comes home in tears to know what will happen.
For the Democrats, Mueller is a hired gun, a Billy the Kid or Jesse James hired by the greedy cattle rancher to get chase the GOP out of the White House so that they can move their own guy or gal in.
Mueller is a prosecutor and has only one function in life, to prosecute. If you want justice, you would have hired a judge.
Mueller’s whole motive is to find someone he can pin something, anything on, innocent or guilty, as long as he can convince a grand jury that he has assembled enough to make the charge stick.
For those haunted by his ruthless campaign, this can ruin their lives, much the way Big Rig III did in New Jersey a decade ago where innocent people pleaded guilty because they could not afford the high-priced lawyers to counter the legal charges against them. Even some who proved their innocence lost everything they had doing so. So you understand why Flynn is broke.
But then, Flynn made the dreadful mistake of lying to the FBI. This is like lying to the Gestapo.
While you might argue with a cop about how fast you were going when he or she pulls you over for speeding, the FBI is a whole different matter.
When they knock on your door, you get to understand a little how the Jews felt when the Nazis came.
You cooperate or go to hell.
Mueller, of course, only acts like a Nazi.
He is simply a hired gun for the Democrats to bring Trump down, and will do everything he can to find anything he can use to accomplish this, even if it isn’t true. As long as he can find evidence enough to convince a Grand Jury and get headlines in a slanted media, he’ll do it, foaming at the mouth like the mad dog he is.

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