Saturday, August 25, 2018

Statues, bullets and BS

(from Confessions of a Racist)

Saturday, August 25, 2018

At a time when the radical left seems bound and determined to provoke conservatives into violence, they appear to also be bound and determined to disarm them.
The terrifying thing about radical Democrat movement is how closely it resembles the abolitionist movement prior to the American Civil War.
We live in in a time when there are too many similarities to pre-civil war United States when Radical Republicans then or abolitionist pushed the agenda to go to war.
Today, we have radical Democrats who appear to be trying to strip not only statues but guns from the hands of the people they want to overthrow.
This is a terrifying concept at a time when it appears that the Democrats have taken control of most major media and have conspire to overthrow a government they do not approve of.
The removal of statues is a kind of ethnic cleansing that strongly resembles what was done during the time of the Soviet or Nazi Empires, and the strategies to disarm the public seems so similar to the disarming of Jewish and other minority populations during that time, it becomes scary.
The statue controversy has radicals destroying a history they don’t like, and which appears as racist in nature as what these radicals seem to be protesting against. Instead of seeing a colorless society in which all people are seen as equal, or to respect differences of opinions, the new radical movement seems bound and determined to reverse roles and to become the whip wielding masters they claim to despise.
The war between the states these days, however, is much more than just about race, also the left appears to be using similar strategies in its attempt to seize power, and like Lincoln’s war for unification, they are even willing to exploit immigrants and use them as cannon fodder.
This idea that they want to tear down the past, erase all memory of it, and disarm those people who might defend it, further harkens back to the war of Northern aggression (as the south calls it) in which radicals want to impose their self-righteous politically correct view on other people.
If you believe this comes out of ignorance, then I have a couple of bridges to sell you. These moves are as well calculated as any chess game.
As many Union generals understood going into the Civil War, this is ignorance, it's arrogance and the same arrogance that played the abolitionists now play the radical left as it tries to grab power and impose its world view on other people, denying those who still celebrate the real heroes of the confederacy their right to do so, labeling anyone who opposes them or their tactics as racists – which, of course, is the most effective way to do away with free speech.
The scariest thing is how well this power grab of Government resembles tactics used by Soviets and other despot revolutions in which they take control of media first so that mainstream media delivers largely the same message -- the way the Washington Post New York Times, LA Times, The Hill, The Washington Examiner do, all appearing to have the same source – some Democratic think tank,
Corrupt media is nothing new. We have simple changed the name from things like yellow journalism to fake news to reflect simply skewed reporting. But how modern times different from the past is that media has been taken over by corporate conglomerates so that things like the LA Times and the Tribune can take over the Daily News and turn it into a left-wing propaganda machine. So ultimately, major media becomes the primary source of what we call fake news.
It is always been a dictate of dictators to control media first and then keep the message on target. This is why so many of the stories coming out of the premier news organizations seem to sound the same as if written by a democratic think tank.
Part of it is laziness, reporters accepting what pontificating politicians hand them without checking the facts, but much of it becomes policy, a conspiracy by an elite that has tied itself to a particular party for a particular purpose, in some cases, such as with the larger newspapers, to defend its own turf as power player.
This concept that we are watching radicals teardown history in order to erase it is so Soviet like it is terrifying to watch because it reflects very much a radical past in which modern abolitionists seem to be adopting the same philosophy as their pre-Civil War counter parts who were willing to spill other people’s blood for their own political objectives.
Controlling the press, destroying icons of another culture -- a kind of ethnic cleansing, and disarming people suggest a kind of left-wing fascism that should alarm any historian but appears not to disturb those politically correct institutions that seem to be promoting this new Abolitionist Movement.
So, if it is true that people who erase history or choose to forget it are destined to repeat it then the road we are now going down will lead to bloodshed and not peace and once again the new radical left will be largely responsible.

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