Friday, August 24, 2018

The plot to overthrow Trump

August 22, 2018

A lot of crazy people in the media as screaming the word “impeachment” again now that Mad Dog Mueller allegedly found a connection between Trump and the Democratic fabricated Russian conspiracy to rig the 2016 election.
Media and Democrats just don’t know when to give up. It’s like they are on LSD and believe everything they think they see.
Mueller, who has to earn his Democratic pay check, is bound and determined to find something, even if he has to make it up, and so is counting on testimony from a former Trump associate, Cohen, who is desperate to stay out of jail and claims he can give Mueller the evidence he wants.
This is classic arm twisting the feds usually reserve for mafia dons, finding some pathetic worm to turn so that they can get the big boss – and don’t care if the testimony is true, just as long as a jury (in this case voters going to the polls in November) buy the lie long enough to get a conviction.
Mueller’s job is to bring the GOP to its knees ahead of election, and he is so in bed with the Democrats it’s a wonder he doesn’t wake up in the morning with something far worse than fleas.
This is all part of a political coup, an effort to overthrow a legitimately elected government because whiny Democrats didn’t like the outcome, blaming the Electoral College for Hillary’s loss. Like the whackos that are ripping down flags and statues, these whiners clearly know nothing of history, or forgot that Lincoln won an Electoral College landslide in 1860 with only 40 percent of the popular vote.
Trump’s problem isn’t the Russians, but former employees (as well as romantic interests) who clearly are willing to sell their story to a salacious press. People like Stormy Daniels, who is nothing more than a prostitute dressed up as something else, merits media attention only because they need people like her to bring down people like Trump, and will dump her back in the trash from which she came once they are through.
This is all very Shakespearian, a struggle for power, greedy, greasy fingers of media hoping to hand over the throne to the prince or princess of their choice, willing to do anything, say anything, print anything to accomplish it, walking out from back stage with blood dripping from their fingers.
There is nothing clean about a power grab, as the 2000 election showed, and we are watching a similar political drama as power brokers in the media and the Democratic party try to play public sentiment the way Nero played his fiddle.
What we are seeing is an attempt by the Democrats and media to overthrow the government and replace it with a tyrant of their own choosing, trying to avoid the massive bloodshed similar power brokers caused when starting the Civil War a century and half ago.
Only instead of radical Republican instigating the conflict, we have radical Democrats pushing the nation towards violent upheaval because they lack candidates who can represent “all of the people all of the time.”
We are once again watching democracy unravel as totally misnamed Democrats seek to regain control of government, resorting to many of the same tactics and hyperbole as the one-time abolitionists used, even to the point of using immigrants as cannon fodder the way Lincoln did to suppress the South.
The Democrats hope to do to Trump when they did to Nixon, and it will be curious as to how they will get rid of Pence, who is far more dangerous to their cause than Trump could ever be. In the 1970s, Democrats managed to get rid of Nixon’s vice president so that they could get to an acceptable Republican they could live with temporarily as president.
Of course, the current strategy would have them retake the House of Representatives and then try to unseat Trump and Pence, allowing the Democratic speaker of the House to become the president – the way Republican Ford became president when Nixon and his vice president were removed.
This is a huge gamble. But even if the Democrats fail to win the House, they set the state for the 2020 election when they will face a weakened GOP candidate much the way Jimmy Carter faced a weakened Ford in 1976.
So media and Mueller keep churning up the fires in order to stir up the voters for what may be the Democrats last real chance to retake control of the government – at least, without violence.


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