Friday, December 11, 2020

A pariah in a fishbowl full of guppies


Friday, December 11, 2020
I’ve obviously become a pariah among some old colleagues.
I have fallen from the true faith (a line stolen from Indiana Jones) and no longer believe what my old colleagues believe, and therefore have become excommunicated by those who still carry on the truth faith in a never-ending crusade against President Trump.
Yesterday, I had an encounter with yet one more Jedi Knight, an unfortunately naïve soul I knew from years ago, who began his career selling biased stories for a biased publication, and never recovered by the bad habits such slanted reporting brought him.
He was so enraged at seeing me, he could hardly speak.
“Are you angry with me?” I asked as we walked side by side for a short time.
“You know why?” he said.
It was like talking to a robot, only one so full of rage, you know he’d been programmed wrong.
He among the new religious zealots that sell their politics like scripture. If you do not believe what they believe, they hate you.
They paint politics as a battle between good and evil rather than conflicting ideas.
Unfortunately, this is a man who has had serious ethical lapses of his own, from allowing someone to ghost write his copy in order to get a media job to accusations of stalking a female fellow employee.
Unfortunately, he is not alone in this godless crusade, and many of those who condemn me for supposedly supporting Trump, come from very questionable ethical backgrounds, many of whom have sold their souls to local politicians for booze, sex or status.
One really questionable character attacked me for writing poetry that questioned the whole moral foundation upon which this new religion has been founded, poems that called these crusaders bigots and hypocrites.
This is a man who sold his soul to an ethically challenged public official, who had used aspects of his public office to investigate and blackmail political opponents.
Yet another priest in this unholy faith has been selling his soul politicians on every level for years, a drunk rather than a drug addict, who wore out his welcome and ran out of politicians to rescue him, but always maintaining the one true faith.
There are some legitimate people who had brought into this new social justice cult. But they all suffer from the same intolerance. You cannot express an opinion different from theirs and not be labeled something most often white supremacist.
The current political scene is constructed on such misinformation, stereotyping opponents so that the true believers can stand on moral high ground while pissing on our heads.
One former colleague greeted me at a musical fair a year or two ago with such hatred, you would never believe we had once been very close – but close at a time when my philosophy better reflected his. The more I moved away, the more hostile he became – especially when I question some of his misguided heroes such as Howard Zinn.
I unfriended him from Facebook when he – like so many of his faith do – used social media as a tool for indoctrination, erroneously calling it “a discussion.”
The lack of ethics infects many of these crusaders, such as someone I deal with daily who poses as a professor and has spent the last four years indoctrinating his students with anti-Trump literature.
It is not enough for these crusaders to believe a certain way; they need to inflict it on other people – which makes for a painful parting of ways when I refuse to listen.
Another true believer ceased talking to me when I refused to accept her ranting about Trump being a racist – a largely politically-created myth by media, although racists apparently do embrace Trump – largely because the left has become so unbearably fascist.
The left no longer believes in the concept of free speech or alternative thought, even though both are protected by The Constitution. They are determined to stamp out bigotry, and to force people to comply with a specific doctrine.
In their view, anyone who is a bigot ceases having rights everybody else has.
I believe people have a right to believe what they want as long as they don’t create conditions that inflict those beliefs on other people – whether they be bigots or members of the new social justice league.
But social justice warriors do not believe this, and label anybody who believes otherwise is a bigot and must be stamped out.
None of my former colleagues and friends have actually asked me what I believe. Instead, they spew crap among themselves like a pack of frustrated housewives, creating a cult of hatred that is based on what they think they know rather than what really is.
It is impossible for people like this to understand that you can be unbiased and still have personal opinions that run counter to this cancel culture movement.
But the problem is these true believers mix their personal opinions with their professional lives and come up as rather pathetic characters whose opinions cease to mean anything, and whose associations become more cumbersome than they are worth.

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