Friday, November 20, 2020

Biden bides his time



Friday, November 20, 2020
It’s obvious Democratic poll counters in Georgia worked at a reckless speed to get the recount done, doing their best to get all the votes in before the turn of the century – or at least those votes for Biden.
Their speed was helped by the fact that they clearly didn’t need to count Trump votes – otherwise, Biden would have to wait until doomsday to become president-elect.
It’s hard to tell the truth in this election, when everybody on every side of an argument is a known liar.
We have truthsayers in the media who have been distorting reality for the last four years, determined to dump Trump from office even as the cost of truth.
The big problem with contemporary media is that the days of tall tales are over, and what we get in the way of news just doesn’t measure up.
Media lies, but never in an entertaining-enough way to take the show on the road.
A reporter is like a shoe salesman, usually trying to see you something too big or small or in a style you wouldn’t even want to get buried in.
Meanwhile, we have a sitting president who is like the braggart at a bar that nobody really takes seriously until he actually gets an important job. That scares the hell out of everybody and then everybody points to the fact that he's been a braggart for years.
Most people don't like Trump because he doesn't shy away from seeing what he thinks even went what he thinks is wrong.
But on the other side, we have Biden – who spent his whole life cheating at things, from college essays to his senate acceptance speech, which is why it is so believable that he might have sold his office at vice president to help his wayward son get rich. The big fear is how much bigger a profit he can make once he gets into the oval office. He might even make Obama look honest.
His defenders are selling him as a middle of the road Democrat, a kind old gentleman who really cares for the nation. Talk about tall tales. But with media’s help, it is a myth that appears to have worked with the intellectual idiots who insist that reality is what they tell us it is rather then what the common experience is.
Media learned long time ago that truth isn't an accumulation of facts and figures but this convoluted reality did people make it up in their minds and if media can shape that little mythology inside everybody then we can control the message.
So, we get this kind old man president-elect who savagely attacked a supreme court nominee, who created laws that helped put thousands of black people in jail, and who possibly oversaw the biggest voter fraud in American history.
Anyone who believes this is an honest, well-meaning man who will be more honest as president when nobody in their right mind buys the same Bridge twice.
We are watching a forced confirmation of the president by a media and questionable secretaries of States anxious to get the transition over with even if the Democrats did cheat and did steal the election.
This is why Georgia refused to allow anyone to compare signatures of the ballots they recounted. Why confuse people with legitimacy?
Unfortunately nobody is going to actually believe the truth when they hear it because we have already decided which liar we prefer.
At the end of the day we will be forced to accept whatever outcome there is and not everybody to be really happy.
Those who believe Trump and Believe by actually stole the election or anxious for the court cases to start and the witnesses to be unveiled forgetting that nobody actually believed Watergate when it first happened and that the truth of that scandal took years to unfold after Nixon had already taken office for the second time I suspect we are going to see something similar this time the problem is how do you impeach a whole party when it's not just Biden who stole this election for the Democratic machine

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