Monday, November 9, 2020

The Democratic addiction to spying



Monday, November 9, 2020

You have to hand it to the Democrats they have come perilously close to pulling off the biggest political coup in American history.
All it took was complete control of American Media, a hijacked virus and an NSA supercomputer operated through an election platform controlled by two prominent Democratic families.
Of course behind the scenes, Barack Obama must have worked his magic, calling on his close friends in the intelligence community to help him unseat Trump as president.
As former president, Obama is still outraged that his legacy got stolen when Trump got elected in 2016.
Unfortunately, Obama and the Democrats have become addicted to the use of spy networks to enhance their political ambitions – as shown by the failed plot to connect Trump with the Russians by the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Obama fell in love with the intelligence Community when he first got elected back in 2008 and has had a romance going on ever since. This is such an intense romance that his wife Michelle should file for divorce. But then no one ever accused Obama of having ethics.
But Obama and others in the Democratic Party made need a 12-step program to overcome their addiction – much in the way other junkies have to get over opioids.
They can’t stop using the FBI, CIA and most recently, the NSA to attack their political enemies – strongly resembling the kind of political stuff Putin does in Russia.
It appears Obama and the Democrats “borrowed” a supercomputer called “The Hammer” from NSA so that they could coordinate the biggest rip off of votes ever seen.
You have to wonder if a 12-step program will help people like Obama and Hillary when everybody they are involved in has license to kill.
After giving the go-ahead to murder enemies oversees such as Bin Laden, it may be difficult for Obama to get over the cheap thrills of using the same methods against the GOP. (We won’t go into all the people reportedly killed who are associated with the Clintons over the decades).
We should have suspected something when Obama sent his intel dogs to spy on Trump’s campaign in 2016.
Since Hillary’s Russia-Collusion plot backfired, it seems clear the Democrats needed to take the next steps, destroying the economy (through COVID shutdowns) and finding a way to steal the election.
It might seem stupid for them to have used a software company managed by close associates to prominent Democratic leadership, but since Democrats control major media, who is going to believe Trump when he claims they cheated.
Where does it end?
Perhaps Obama, Clinton, Pelosi and others should check themselves into a clinic where doctors can ease them off their power trip – provided the doctors aren’t too scared the Democrats might sic their attack dogs on them.
The question is: can Trump put all the pieces together and derail the coup in the courts?
Media has already crowned Biden as president even though the election has yet to be certified.
Democrats and media keep bringing out their clones to say that Trump ought to concede the election when it is clear that there are serious electoral questions about cheating
Gore, who had similar questions when it came to George W. Bush in 2000 did not concede for months. You also have to remember Hillary advised Biden not to concede if he lost to Trump.
Media has a lot on the line here. If they can't deliver this election to Biden, then they are worthless. This is why we get story after story proclaiming Biden as president when the election has not been certified and the media alone is telling us who won.
Unfortunately, we are watching the collapse of American Media in the selling out of the concept of Journalism as we used to know it.
It's not the journalist have ever been honest. We have had slanted reporting in the past. But in this case, this is a collusion between the major media and a major political party.
The check that Rudolph Murdoch donated to the Biden campaign at the exact same time his network was slanted their stories to benefit the Democrats tells you just how deep-rooted the problem is and how hard it is to drain the swamp where there is money to be made in places like China.
The pressure on Trump to concede will mount but he needs to resist this partly because there are questions that need to be answered and they won't get answered if he's simply surrenders.
The GOP, of course, needs to protect its control of the senate in order to keep the Democrats from totally destroying the American government in their zeal to consolidate power.
Trump may not be able to reverse the election. But he needs to keep the campaign alive long enough to secure the Senate and then to steer the GOP to the midterm elections in which the Democrats have a number of vulnerable seats up and the Republicans can further so the consolidate their own power.
I suspect with all of the wackos who are about to take control of the White House, we are in for a very tough future I will not likely live to see.


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