Friday, November 13, 2020

How can Biden look at himself in the mirror?


Friday, November 13, 2020
You would think that Biden, who spent most of his adult life in the nation’s capital, would have no problem finding his way to The White House.
But many people believe he was unable to make his way back without cheating.
Democratic election workers were apparently buried in ballots because of unconstitutional changes made to election rules by Democratic leadership in swing state. The GOP is currently tried to find out just where those workers buried the Trump vote.
Media and the Democrats are desperate to get Biden settled into the White House before the legal challenges are finished.
You have to wonder how Biden can look himself in the mirror knowing how dishonest his campaign was from the start, how his allies controlled technology that seems to have created glitches at critical times in critical places in order to swing these swing states to his advantage.
A Democrat, of course, isn’t dishonest by nature. But finding an honest one is like finding nuggets of gold in a coal shaft.
When you have created one of the most curiously dishonors campaigns in American history you do not want people to look closely at it or to challenge aspects of it.
You just wanted to get on with the show.
Unfortunately for the Democrats, this is the age of the computer, and while Biden appears to have used technology to steal the election, his opponents have the same ability to uncover the theft – if indeed the theft actually transpired. This is far different from 1960 when Democrats used mafia in Chicago to help Kennedy beat Nixon.
Biden gives speeches about healing the nation’s political wounds at the same time his supporters are sharpening their stakes to drive through the hearts of Trump supporters.
When you win an election by lying and cheating and calling your opponents evil you can't smooth it over.
You can't put the genie back in the bottle or contain the rage that you used to become the so-called president-elect.
The Democrats have relied on a number of lies and deceptions to get their troops motivated labeling any of the Trump people as white supremacist or racist and anti-science. When you inspire this kind of rage you don't put it to a stop just because you claimed to have won the election.
The fact that the Trump people are fighting tooth-and-nail to make sure all of the eyes are dotted, and T's are crossed before they relinquish power is really pissing off the media and the Democrats.
They just want somebody official to declare Biden a winner when nobody on the other side is willing to give him that until they're sure that the election was fair.
Media the Democrats are so desperate to get him into the Oval Office before the seat is even cool suggest that they are trying to pull another stunt.
Once they certify the election it is almost impossible for the truth to come out or for the election to be reversed if dishonesty is discovered.
Hillary Clinton told Biden if he loses never to concede and yet media and the Democrats are screaming about Trump refusing to concede until the legal challenges are over.
Something is seriously wrong with this picture considering that Clinton and the house Speaker controlled the software that affected at least five states results and are unwilling to allow the American public to determine if this was a dirty trick pulled by the Democrats to steal the election or not.
The old saying is that if there's smoke there's fire.
While we get a lot of Democrats telling this fraud never happens, many of these same people are those who told us Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election.
As it's proved since Clinton in hinted that as a way to discredit Trump and Obama helped spy on the Trump campaign, showing just how capable Democrats of using dirty tricks.
If the Democrats were so confident in the results of the selection they will be bending over backwards to help the GOP disprove the corruption Theory instead they are using the same conduits that they use to discredit Trump give me the media to discredit any theories of corrupt manipulation.
This is more smoke suggested collusion between media and the Democrats to steal the election
Facebook puts up these posts that can't be race saying that Biden is the president-elect when in fact it is not yet the case
Twitter is censoring any content they think discredits Biden
The New York Times New York Post and the LA Times which are the megaphone for all media is ranting and raving about conspiracy theories concerning the vote
We don't know what the truth is but we can't rely on Media or the Democrats to help clear the air and to show us there really is no fire so until that happens no one should concede anything and find should not be pulling up with a moving van to start moving into the White House.

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