Sunday, November 15, 2020

Is this the fall of the Biden Empire?


Sunday, November 15, 2020

You can bet the stakes are high when Trump’s legal team gets intimidated out of a hefty paycheck.
But the morons we thought were morons from the Lincoln Project pulled another Tulsa and badgered the attorneys with a barrage of social media attacks that sent the usual ambulance-chasers chasing their own shadows.
We are basically watching the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, only nobody yet can figure out who is playing the fiddle while Rome burns.
It is already approaching mid-November and we really don’t have a new president; despite all the bullshit we get from mainstream media.
Media is desperate to contain what some claim will be the worst political scandal in American history the way Media did the Hunter Biden story prior to the election.
And intimidating Trump’s legal team goes a long way to helping with the alleged coverup.
At the center of this is computer system that appears to have the potential to bring down the Democratic candidate if it could be proven that it was used to change Trump votes to Biden votes as a critical times.
The GOP claims to have the founder of the company in protective custody willing to testify to the fact that this company which was funded by China, Cuba and used to bring down the Venezuelan regime and was used to overthrow votes in at least five critical States
The case which is about to explode onto the scene suggest other things such as bribes to media and Democratic Governors who helped orchestrate what they are claiming is a political coup
Since we already have seen misuse of power by the Democrats especially with Obama's use of Intel to spy on the Trump Administration in 2016 and the Russian conspiracy that was invented by Hillary Clinton, this new theory is a perfectly believable scenario especially considering that the software company has two prominent Democratic elected officials overseeing their operations.
While this may seem like a Robert Ludlum novel, we feel the need to suspend disbelief to believe that Democrats could be so underhanded as to steal the election so blatantly.
But prominent Democrats may feel protected because – as testimony is expected to show – they managed to buy off most of major media (most recently Fox News) and so can play the usual game of denial until Biden can be sworn in and can crush any budding investigation by the Justice Department.
While it is not possible to buy off every reporter in every news organizations, it is possible to control them since six corporations own and operate nearly all the media outlets in the country – many of whom already have strong ties to the Democratic Party.
The non-stop anti-Trump drum beat by media over the last four years should have alerted people long before this, but many assumed media was simply and perhaps innocently biased, rather than corrupt.
But the GOP appears to have evidence that shows a pattern of brides that went to members of the media as well as to some of the governors who installed the questionable computer programs in their states.
But this revelation hinges on the ability of Trump to remain in office and for him to win the more political lawsuits. And so, intimidation of his legal team makes sense.
Meanwhile, Media paints Biden as the next president and dismisses any report of voter tampering at crack pot conspiracy theories – at classic way media has always dismissed inconvenient truths.
Unfortunately, world history shows that if problems involving power disputes of this magnitude, the players are perfectly capable of more lethal solution – which may explain why the GOP has kept its star witness in protective custody.
This person is apparently the founder and developer of the software the GOP claims the Democrats used to steal the election, a witness willing to name the names of very big people in the Democratic Party and in Media.
Apparently the GOP is about to show how several us Governors and their Secretary of State have taken bribes for placing his software in the states that they run in order to influence the election and that had not glitches happened Trump may actually have won the election is by a landslide
How much of this is true nobody can say but if you have the designer of the software exposing it there's going to be a lot of questions asked that maybe even the media can't sweep under the rug like it has in the past.
Stay tuned.

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