Saturday, November 14, 2020

What did Biden know and when did he know it?


Saturday, November 14, 2020
The Washington Post just did a hit piece on Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr.
Just in time to protect Pennsylvania Secretary of state Kathy Boockvar -- who ignored Altio’s order to isolate late votes and who will become the central figure in a political scandal that will dwarf Watergate.
It has been obvious for the last 4 years that media especially the Washington Post and New York Times have been working hand-in-hand to push the Democratic agenda the question is just how far they have gone and legitimacy and how many people were actually paid off on the editorial staff to do so.
And while we all know that the Washington Post is better suited for the bottom of a liter pan than a news stand, some of us small time reporters recent the fact that nobody in the Democratic Party thought enough of us to offer us a bribe, too.
Let’s face it, what does the newly-corrupted Fox News have that I don’t – I mean besides the loyalty of 70 million Trump voters?
Obviously, Fox has adopted the main rule for media: Trump is always wrong, even when he isn’t.
The problem for media is that the cat (or fox) is out of the bag, and many people are beginning to suspect major media has been paid off by the Democrats to help Biden steal the election, and to silence anyone that raises a stink.
The hit piece on Alito comes at a time when Trump lawyers are raising serious allegations about how Pennsylvania may have violated the U.S. Constitution (as did Michigan and other states) in order to steer the election to Biden.
At the center of this will be Boockvar whose flagrant disregard for Alito’s order either shows blatant corruption or outrageous stupidity. If Boockvar thinks the Democrats in her state will protect her from
prosecution, she is grossing mistaken. Even the governor appears to be distancing himself and the party from her in order to make her the fall guy (or fall gal – to be politically correct) when the shit hits the fan.
The Washington Post, however, is seeking to discredit Alito ahead of what may become a historic ruling and evidence of official abuse that will make Watergate seem pale in comparison.
We may well be witnessing an attempt by the Democrats to overthrow an election Trump may have likely won – and the Democrats appear to be using major media to help provide them cover.
Little guys like myself get left out of the bribery and so we are naturally envious of reporters from WP and the New York Times who will get great book deals out of all of his, as well as whatever bribes they allegedly took in the first place.
It just isn’t fair. Is it because the Democrats don’t need to corrupt reporters in a state like New Jersey where the system is already rigged on their behalf (Democrats learned to drive Republicans out of the state with high taxes and have little need to rig elections they way Democrat do in states like PA, Michigan and elsewhere.)
But the lawsuit headed to the Supreme Court is likely to reveal more about the relationship between major media, social media, technology companies and the Democratic Party than the power brokers behind the scenes want anybody to know.
So, it becomes clear that the Washington Post hit piece on Alito is less about protecting an unethical secretary of state than it is about covering its own ass.
The question here is who are the real masterminds behind this and will the inevitable  anti-Democrat court ruling prompt some kind of other action by these people in order to protect themselves after their game is exposed?
Some people are going to jail over this. But more importantly, we are reaching the critical point that took several years to reach in Watergate: What did Biden know and when did he know it?
Did Biden know about the Democratic plot to overthrow Trump or is he just a dupe whose strings are being pulled by the real power brokers?
And what role did former President Obama play in all this?
Obama has been quoted calling all Trump supporters racists, suggesting a certain level of panic since Obama is usually too smooth an operator to say anything as stupid as that in the past.
But as the past has shown, Obama is the kind of guy you use to impress people with, but you don’t dare trust him with the family silverware.
Obama appointed judges keep suppressing cases that the GOP raises and promises to bring the case to the Supreme Court where it will be resolved especially in Pennsylvania in Michigan where the voting abuse has seemed to be the most acute.
This may explain why media is suddenly attacking the Supreme Court Justices who are raising the most questions about the legitimacy of the election -- more character assassination.
You can bet this is going to get worse as media gets more desperate to protect itself.
And perhaps some in media may be seeking to get more from the Democrats to keep their mouths shut.
When it comes to protecting itself, media will cut anybody’s throat, unless they get their cut. At this point, Democrats are paying the best. This could change in the future.
Stay tuned. 

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