Friday, April 16, 2021

Packing the court again?


Friday, April 16, 2021
Is 13 a lucky number?
Not if you're the GOP and that number is in the Supreme Court.
It appears that not only does it appear that the Democrats cheated to steal the election, they intend to create a super state in order to make sure the GOP can never take it back.
The Democrats spent four years blaming Trump for stealing the 2016 election while this was largely a road map for how the Democrats stole the election in 2020.
It’s no wonder why Democrats are flipping out at the events of Jan. 6, scared to death about a popular uprising against the political coup Democrats seemed to have orchestrated.
But it won’t stop with a few fixed vote counting apps.
The Democratic plans are far more ambitious.
They are not only planning to destroy tradition using the pathetic excuse that the founding fathers were allegedly racist, but they intend to gut the Constitution as allegedly racist, too.
We are watching the creation of a new Fascism and there is almost nothing anybody can do short of a complete Revolution. It’s no wonder the Democrats are freaking out about Georgia’s voting reforms – when on the federal level, Democrats are trying to push through legislation that would allow anyone to vote without proving they are entitled to. This combined with Biden’s open boarders policy suggest the Democrats intend to allow illegal (not just undocumented) aliens to vote (as many have already done in California and New York where there are almost no safeguards for voter registration.)
Packing the Supreme Court will finally finish what industrial states started after the American Civil War, a complete erosion of a state’s right to control its own election process. FDR – perhaps the second most radical president after Obama – attempted to pack the court when he couldn’t get his social agenda enacted.
Radical Democrats want to use the federal government to control conservative states in every manner, imposing their agenda on the backs of people who might have alternative ideas.
One legislator this week talked about a two-state solution if the Democrats continue to pursue this move to pack the court. A two-state solution means a new Revolution a new Civil War and two different countries.
Since the values are clearly so outrageously diverse it probably makes sense.
Race has become the big stick for radical Democrats, who claim conservatives are racist because they oppose radical changes the liberals propose.
What is interesting is that Americans racial tensions were actually easing right up until we elected our first African American president.
Obama is largely responsible for creating the current racial divide, not because he was a black man in the white house, but because he changed the discussion as to what racial equality means.
Instead of a society in which color does not matter and that everybody should be viewed the same, Obama and his allies made color a litmus test, and has created a climate in which conservatives are targeted as racist when in most cases they are not.
The election of Trump in 2016 allowed the radicals to pump up the volume on this racist nonsense. Much of what we’ve seen as far as tearing down statues and the banning of icons such as the Confederate flag were attempts to punish conservative voters for electing Trump.
Packing the court is another aspect of this since Democrats – despite their usual campaign of character assaults – would not stop Trump from appointing a conservative court.
Instead of accepting the results, the Democrats are doing what they always do when they can’t stand losing, they change the rules – but this means undermining the very foundations of what makes America great, spouting pathetic and dishonest rhetoric about how racist the Constitution is in order secure a permanent hold on power.
Since it is clear that Obama is the puppet master pulling Biden’s strings, we are seeing an escalation of radical behavior and a more determined push by radicals to destroy this and all other American institutions – and with the same flaw all Obama’s plans have – with nothing to replace those institutions with except shifting of wealth to favored political supporters.
You have to wonder what happens after the court gets packed? Do the Democrats then repeal the restriction on two-term elections for president so that the puppet master Obama can resume his role as commander-in-chief?
The question is how far is too far and how much American people will tolerate before this really evolved into a new Civil War.
Liberal want to dictate to conservatives no matter where in the country they are and so it is likely the best solution is to sever ties with those states that are controlled by liberals and set up a new Confederate State.
Where is Jefferson Davis when you need him?
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email to Al Sullivan

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