Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The new China Syndrome


Tuesday, April 13, 2021
The latest mantra being sung by the progressive left is that “Asians are not a virus.”
This is yet one more orchestrated campaign being waged apparently by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which is the driving force behind many of the progressive campaigns over the last decade, trying to use well-meaning if deluded extremist liberals to wage their propaganda war in the United States to counter serious questions about what the communists are up to worldwide.
In some ways we are seeing a new China Syndrome dedicated to undermining the U.S. economy by manipulating the racial left.
The original China Syndrome is a concept that was conceived during the original anti nukes movement back in the late 60s and early 1970s.
The fear was that if a nuclear plant had a meltdown that the materials could become so unstable and its atomic materials so heavy that they would sink through the bottom of existing power plants and theoretically go all the way through the core of the world and come out in China.
Several nuclear disasters - 3 Mile Island being one of them, but the worst was in the former Soviet Union called Chernobyl – testify to just how ill thought atomic energy is when seeking to provide the world with a sustainable power source.
Nuclear energy back then was supposed to help solve the world's power crisis by replacing coal plants and gas plants and reducing the dependence of countries on those places such as the Middle East or Venezuela that had a monopoly on oil and gas.
Environmentalist, however, were concerned about The China Syndrome and the fact that nuclear power is not as clean as the Regulatory Agencies claimed it was
Nuclear materials do not rapidly vanish from the world after you use them. The residue remains even though the material itself is no longer productive and these deposits must be put someplace for tens of thousands of years until they become non-radioactive.
Nuclear plants -- such as the Indian Point in New York state -- become unstable because they cannot endure the intensity of the power they are generated, cracks form in their foundations and eventually radioactive material begins to leak into the water supply they use to cool the reactors.
Environmentalist were very successful in damaging the nuclear industry in the United States even though these plants were permitted elsewhere such as in China and Russia.
As recent events in Texas and California have shown, wind and solar power cannot generate enough energy to sustain contemporary power needs – even before the fleets of new electric vehicles pour onto the market. Rather than back track and rethink their opposition to oil pipelines and fracking, the current generation of environmentalist (called the New Green Deal) are revisiting the concept of nuclear power – even though it is no safer today than it was during the No Nukes era.
Understand that the New Green Deal largely ignores the fact that China, Russia and other countries continue to spew poison from their coal plants while forcing the United States to shut down the industry here – or paying carbon credits that raises the cost for consumers in the United States while benefiting places like China.
By embracing the New Green Deal, the Biden Administration is basically subsidizing China industries at the expense of those operating in the United States, industries that employ slave labor while the United States seeks to raise the minimum wage.
Many Democrats have been doing business with China for years, and so are extremely reluctant to address the human rights abuse issues in China. We also face the fact that the CCP is in the process of taking over the world, spreading its tentacles across the globe to secure most of the critical natural resources needed to sustain our technology.
New Green Deal advocates talk incessantly about “sustainable” energy yet ignore the fact that nearly all our technology depends on rare minerals that cannot be replenished, minerals almost completely controlled by China.
Much of the climate change fake science comes out of the United Nations – which is largely controlled by CCP and which has consistently excluded alternative evidence to the questionable climate change models being produced in the UN – which allows China to retain its stranglehold on big tech, and why tech organizations like Apple, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others are censoring conservatives who question this new green and China’s role in manipulating public opinion.
The CCP appears to be behind the new campaign against violence against Asians – partly generated by the false narrative racist whites are behind recent attacks, when evidence suggests it isn’t so.
There are attacks on Asians, partly generated by the hysteria media and Democrats created over COVID-19.
Gov. Cuomo from the start attempted to divert attention away from China as the source of the virus, calling it “a European virus,” even though evidence shows it originated in China.
Setting aside all the conspiracy theories about this being some kind of biological weapon or even a deliberate attempt to destroy the American economy (Democrats did that themselves to win the election), CCP is responsible for failing to alert the world of the spread until after Chinese New Year early in 2020, thus allowing the virus to spread worldwide.
Chinese New Years is a significant event in the Chinese culture. Chinese workers who are often employed in Industry elsewhere on the globe almost always return home for several weeks before going back to the countries where they work.
Many of these unfortunate people brought the virus to all of the early epicenters such as Italy -- which Garment District employees massive Chinese labor -- as well as New York San Francisco and other places from which the virus spread.
While it is wrong to blame unsuspecting Chinese workers for the spread, the fact is nobody is holding the CCP accountable, except for the GOP, and this may explain the massive efforts by the CCP to destroy the GOP – using social justice groups such as Black Lives Matters, Antifa and others – as a front for this misinformation campaign.
China propaganda has been closely associated with the current American Progressive Movement and a lot of the rhetoric that is coming out of these so-called well-meaning people appears to be designed to benefit the Communists in China.
Chinese Communist Party appears to have funded black lives matter and antifa with the intention of trying to undermine the conservative movement and is behind many of the legislative efforts to keep the conservative from rising to power again.
While it is wrong to blame the average Chinese individual for what the Communist Party does, American media along with social justice groups and extreme Democrats appear to be creating a narrative that suggests that the question China is to be engaged in the new racism.
The unfortunate events in Atlanta in which a sex-crazed idiot shot a bunch of masseuses has been used as an example white racism against Asians well media ignores the fact that many attacks on Asians by African Americans have largely gone unreported in major media.
The real China Syndrome here is the fact that the Chinese Communist Party appears to have infiltrated the highest offices in the United States providing spies as aids to congressman and even has ties to the current White House.
All those years ago when we worried about our nuclear material sinking through the Earth and infecting China, we ignored the fact that Chinese Communist have been spreading around the world taking over key Industries including the United Nations a real new and dangerous China Syndrome.

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