Monday, September 13, 2021

Is Biden a puppet dictator?



Biden took one bold step towards turning America into a Soviet state yesterday when he suggested that all companies with a hundred or more employees force their employees to get vaccinated.

His purpose, he claims, is to save lives – although I suspect he cares little for the lives of the unvaccinated since he knows most of them voted for Trump and fully believe Biden stole the election

You have to wonder if Biden’s next step is to rent cattle cars and have the unvaccinated shipped off to death camps.

But we already know Democratic governors already did that when they sent senior citizens unprotected to nursing homes early in the pandemic. This might explain why Biden refuses to investigate those deaths – since senior those tens of thousands of seniors were likely to have voted for Trump as well.

Biden is somewhat cavalier in his claims about saving lives since he and Obama killed 240,000 people in 2009 by ignoring the virus for nine months until it spread to 46 States.

This sudden gestapo-like degree from Biden is more likely a distraction, and effort to force the uncompliant to obey him, and to reshape him into a decisive leader after his utter failure in the United States retreat from Afghanistan – American’s version of Dunkirk.

Or perhaps, Biden is trying to hide the fact that American funds paid for the creation the China virus, deliberately altering an animal virus so that it could infect human beings.

The central question is whether or not the Fauci-paid-for-virus was deliberately released into the United States in time for the presidential election.

The fact that Biden has turned out to be an extremist is no surprise. He changes is political opinions the way most people change clothing, adopting whatever happens to be fashionable at the moment and expire when it is convenient, a brainless, pompous jelly-donut of a leader with no real moral core – just corruption.

The fact that he is serving the roll as a trojan horse for the Marxist is no big surprise since he appears to be the puppet of Obama – a well-established racist and Marxist – and Sanders – who is has empty-headed at the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz.

And Biden is just stupid enough to tell us over and over how he is being controlled by someone else, and his liberal supporters are just stupid enough to not notice.

The vaccine mandate is less about reaching the milestone of herd immunity than it is about social control. Biden and his handlers want the American public to do what we are told or else.

The fact that statistically covid-19 and its variants are not the worst disaster in recent American history is not relevant. The 1969 variety was much worse since he killed more people per capita than covid did. But it appears that we have become a pathetic people who are going to panic on the drop of a hat.

We are witnessing the result of a generation raised on being overly sensitive and having very little personal integrity. This makes Biden the perfect president even though he is four generations removed from the current crop coming out of corrupt colleges students. Biden is notorious liar going back to even his college days.
So, none of this should be a surprise to anybody that he has no ethics and that he is willing to accept being president even though the results are still questionable.

His vaccinate mandate smacks of totalitarianism and a heavy-handed socialistic approach to social control. But it is only the beginning. Biden and his handlers are proposing a host of social controls for the future, right down to wiring automobiles so as to know who goes where and when, and taxing people for every mile – based on a phony green science.

Forcing people to be vaccinated has less to do with health than it has to do with big government control. And any information that disputes the accepted ideology is labelled as “misinformation,” and censored.

This has all of the signs of a police state – only Biden wants to disband police and root out conservatives from the military.

Marxists are not interested in saving the U.S. Economy. They want capitalism to collapse, and people to have so little hope they will support some other dictator who is less senile than Biden is.

Disarming the masses and destroying any armed conservative force such as the police or military when seen in this light makes perfect sense.

I would feel more comfortable if this new forced vaccination policy was simply Biden feeling guilty about mass murder in the past, but he has no conscience he has no ethics everything he says has a purpose that is not obvious and is usually a misdirect a political distraction to keep people's attention away from something else he doesn't want them to see.

What scares me most is what comes next.



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