Sunday, July 3, 2022

Don’t trust the GOP to protect Trump


Sunday, July 3, 2022


Liberal media is desperate to rescue their chief and most unreliable witness for the shit show blatantly called the Jan. 6 committee.  And many GOP people are panicking rather than fighting back, looking to jump ship in order to avoid becoming a target themselves.

The most recent effort by media is an effort to save their witness by sewing confusion when it comes to what the Trump did with the Secret Service in the lead up to the Jan. 6 protest.

While some secret service agents claim the Jan. 6 witness lied, media has come up with unnamed sources that claim differently, creating a fictional theory of good secret service agents and those who are loyal to Trump.

Media completely ignores the fact that it was physically impossible for Trump to have grabbed the steering wheel as the Jan. 6 witness claims someone told her he had.

The Jan. 6 committee is notorious at passing fiction off as fact and this is no exception.

The committee’s whole function is scare the hell out of Trump’s support in the GOP and get these somewhat less than RINOs to abandoned him for a candidate the Democrats think they can beat in the 2024 election, when polls say Democrats do not stand a chance against Trump unless they steal that election, too.

While it is very likely someone like that scumbag Garland will indict Trump on these trumped-up charges, the accusations won’t hold up in court when the Jan. 6 committee’s witnesses get cross examined and their so-called facts are questioned. Such as trial will amount to the Russian Collusion hoax and the two failed attempts to impeach Trump.

But it may be enough to panic Trump’s GOP support, which is why the Democrats and media are selling this horseshit as fact.

If you are a Trump supporter, understand mainstream GOP is not your friend.

Most of the GOP are just as much swamp-dwellers as the Democrats are, pond scum that needs the swamp to survive, willing to trade off with the Democrats in order to get their share of the political pie.

While George W. Bush and Dick Cheney his evil guru aren’t quite RINOs the way Liz Cheney turned out to be, they were too stupid – like most of the GOP – to see what Barrack Obama changed the rules of the game when he attempted to hand over reigns of power to Hillary Clinton.

Democrats intended to keep hold of power, despite previous arrangements. Fortunately, Trump upset their apple cart, which is why they needed to steal an election in 2020 and are desperate to get Trump out of the running in 2024.

The GOP ignorantly presumes if they support this effort, they can get back to doing business as usual with the Democrats when they can’t.

Trump is a populist and like all populists before him is hated equally by both mainstream parties because he can’t be relied on to play the game. The GOP is scared because Trump really means it when he says he wants to drain the swamp and flush all the would-be Liz Cheneys down the toilet with the rest of the crap.

Stopping Trump is the whole reason the Jan. 6 committee was invented – not to seek justice but to hang an albatross of lies around his neck to keep him from running for president again.

This wink and nod arrangement between the GOP and Democrats is the reason why publications like The Washington Examiner and the National Review are supporting the Jan. 6 committee – after all, these like Fox and other so-called conservative publications rely on the swamp for their survival, too, acting as the loyal opposition to the Democrats without actually opposing anything the Democrats actually do.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the Jan. 6 Committee is illegal, and will have its rulings overturned the minute their accusations arrive in any legitimate court where witnesses can be cross examined, and testimony debunked.

But the purpose of the committee is not legal, it is a publicity stunt, to generate enough negative headlines to cow the GOP into giving up on Trump, a brilliant move that relies on the GOP’s stupid notion that if they abandon Trump, they will ever have a rat’s chance in hell of regaining power.



email to Al Sullivan

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