Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Who is transphobic?


July 13, 2022


Berkeley professor Khiara Bridges is mentally ill.

But she’s not alone. She has a not-so rare form of insanity that is apparently more contagious than covid and twice as deadly.

 She testified during the Senate hearing on reproductive care in a post-Roe America and accused Sen. Josh Hawley of being "transphobic" when he asked her how she thought men could have bear babies.

Bridges resorted the typical liberal trick of attacking Hawley when he challenged her agenda as well as her common sense. She resorted to name calling.

It is not transphobic to claim women have babied and men don’t, regardless of how many hormones men might ingest or even how much surgery.

Reality is not a strong point when it comes to liberals like Bridges, nor is common sense.

Bridges came to the hearing selling an agenda and got push back when the agenda defied veracity.

We live in strange times where men want to be women and women men.

Yet it is not a new concept.

Penis envy – although not always identify in that term – has existed since the dawn of time, women coveting men’s phallic power while men jealously envied women’s ability to propriate – women’s magical power to create life.

Men have always desired this power, even when women recklessly abuse it through acts like abortion.

What isn’t nature, however, is the lunatic notion that men can actually bear babies.

Perhaps as science advances, it may be made possible in the future. But at this moment in time, it is a pathetic fantasy, that liberals like Bridges cling to the way old Christians used to cling to the concept of a flat earth.

Society has moved away from merely wishing for the impossible to pretending it is possible, a wizard of oz effect that if you click your heals and wish real hard it will come true.

This is the logic of immature minds, regardless of how many university degrees that person possesses or which prestigious university in which she happens to teach.

There is no doubt that some people are gay, although just when this occurs in the human anatomy remains a mystery since some otherwise straight people have gone through an experimental phase when young (often associated with puberty) and then later decide as adults they are not.

This, however, differs significantly from being transgender and whether or not that person was miscategorized at birth and given the wrong label.

There is some legitimate argument as far as gender assignment, especially when an infant is born with multiple organs and the doctors make the choice as to which gender, he or she should become.

But the massive increase in transgender identification – especially among Gen z – indicates more of a fad than fact, kids who might have felt socially excluded from the various social clicks find acceptance and welcoming in the transgender community.

Since kids are impressionable at an early age, teachers’ grooming them becomes an even more dangerous trend, since as authorities figures these questionable teachers have a huge influence on their yet to develop minds and steering these kids become something that is basically criminal.

Kids need to sort it out for themselves, which is why there are laws governing age of consent. We do not expect young people to make serious decisions when they are not mature enough to fully understand the implications.

All that said, there are only two physical sexes, regardless of what the overly educated Bridges might maintain, and only one of these is physically capable of bearing children. To say otherwise, even from the mouth of a clearly deluded professor, is not just dishonest, it is flatly crazy.


email to Al Sullivan

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