Sunday, November 18, 2018

How did these people make the bomber’s list?

Sunday, November 18, 2018

While many celebrities in political figures are still stung by the lack of a blue tidal wave that might have swept their U.S. Senators into office, many more appear to be suffering the social stigma of not being seen as worthy enough adversaries of Trump to have been included in the list of targets in last month's in it bomb threat.
Anybody who is anybody in the anti-Trump jet-set feels more than a little put out by the list of characters that qualified to get a bomb sent to them.
Most would consider George Soros a qualified candidate since he shoveled out so much hard-earned cash to fund the host of spontaneous projects since Trump was elected in 2016; he literally bought his way onto the bomb list.
But how did the Clintons qualify?
There hasn't been a sex scandal involving Bill since he left office. And Hillary bought and paid for the Democratic party nomination in 2016 only to abandon her supporters on Election night when they wept and pulled their hair out at celebration at her losing.  Wow does Hillary qualify for such a high honor when her book was all about her whining about losing?
You would think Michelle Obama's book bombing at the newsstands would not be enough to qualify her for this elite list -- although most likely the bomber meant his bomb for Barack -- whose road tour during the last election showed just how much better a campaigner he is than he ever was as a president
Booker deserve the honor if only for how stupid he sounded when he claimed to be Spartacus. There are some sins utterly unforgivable even in politics -- though this honor clearly must have pissed off Finestein who fought so hard and did so much to qualify.  Perhaps Hollywood will award her Oscar for her performance in the Kavanaugh hearing when she claimed not to leak Ford's letter to the New Yorker magazine which in turn should qualify for best supporting actor in a fraud by the media.
This, of courses, highlights another over sight by the alleged bomber, since nobody of real worth from media was worthy.
Acosta had he performed his abuse of the president sooner might have landed high on the list rivaling the royalty Washington Post for unethical reporting.
Two people who have the most right to be pissed off about being neglected are Comey and Mueller.
How could any bomber in his or her right mind pick Clapper or Brennan or worse, Holder over those two?
The only qualifications Clapper, Brennan and Holder have are big mouths and little brains -- and if that was the only qualification to be on the list then most of the Democratic party would deserve the distinction
The other two extremely questionable figures on this list of distinction are Biden and Maxine Waters
While Biden notoriously suffers from foot-in-mouth disease, his only contribution to the anti-Trump Inner Circle is that he chose not to run for president in 2016 -- clearing the path for Hillary.
I'm sorry but that hardly seems like a good enough qualification for a list like this.
Likewise, Maxine Waters appears to have qualified because she has such a big mouth and the amount of trash that comes out of it each time she opens it.  But instead of someone calling Roto Rooter to clear her mouth out, she gets rewarded with a bomb. This hardly seems fair when there are so many other qualified candidates in Congress all of whom have big have mouths as big as hers -- such as Pelosi and Schumer -- and yet seemed unworthy of this suspected bombers’ attention.
By far, those who should feel the most offended by being left off the list are the countless airhead movie stars, rappers and TV hosts who were passed over in order to see Robert De Niro get the nod.
Oh, come on! What's wrong with Whoopi Goldberg or the cast of Saturday Night Live or any of those idiot comedians such as Kimmel or Colbert?
They have as much are in their heads as DeNiro does and probably are a lot less full of shit.
 I think when prosecutors take the suspected bomber to trial, they should also charge him with bad taste picking the worst sort to be honored when there are so many more who are so deserving.

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