Friday, November 9, 2018

Ruth Bader Ginsberg as a Frankenstein monster?

Friday, November 09, 2018

It has just been learned that newly elected scientists to the House of Representatives are intently studying the literary works of Mary Shelly in an effort to sustain the life of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
While the original Dr. Frankenstein sought to create life from stolen body parts, these Congressional scientists hope to preserve Ginsberg in order to keep her from needing to step down from the U.S. Supreme Court.
If successful, this would be as huge a breakthrough for medical science as the discovery of DNA because it could lead to the cure of the most pressing of medical issues known to (wo)mankind: death itself.
The scramble to sustain Ginsberg comes at a time when Democrats have lost seats in the U.S. Senate and are desperate to keep Ginsberg alive and kicking until they can regain the senate in 2020 – and failing that, keeping her alive for the foreseeable future.
There is no shortage of body parts since so many women have offer their own spare parts, their unborn children and even their husbands for the cause. So the congressional scientists will not need to scour graveyards after midnight for bodies – although they may still have to do so for votes.
Planned Parenthood has even agreed to suspend its usual charge for aborted baby fetuses in order to help the Ginsberg Project and its associated research.
As a last ditch effort, the scientists might have to transplant Ginsberg’s brain into a new body. But this could raise serious legal challenges as to whether or not a younger body would constitute the same Ginsberg sworn-in as a Supreme Court justice.
This move to preserve Ginsberg for a possible eternity raises a number of ethical issues such as the need for a new definition of what is a life term in office, and at what point does Ginsberg ceased being the same Ginsberg when so many of her vital organs have been replaced.
More troubling for the Democrats is the possibility that the GOP could adopt a similar strategy in an attempt to preserve conservative justices and thus start a perseveration race that would rival the nuclear arms race of the 1960s.
This also poses a risk to Democrats because the GOP might seek to freeze the court at its current level of a conservative majority, which would undermine future Democrats attempts to destroy potential conservative candidates with scurrilous charges similar to those raised at the recent Kavanaugh hearings.
Another downside for the Democrats in the Body Parts race is the fact that most of the GOP justices are younger than those of the Democrats, and so that the upkeep for the GOP would be easier and require less future maintenance.
While Ginsberg once made it clear she would try and hold on until a liberal administration could take control of government and appoint liberal justices, it is uncertain if she intended to hold on for eternity.

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