Friday, January 14, 2022

Democrats need to destroy filibuster to control U.S. Government


Left wing radical historian Will Durant once pointed out that there is no such thing as a “legitimate” election.

In his view, elections are simply a cover for a power struggle and designed to give the perception of legitimacy to the ultimate winner.

This tends to let a political group seize power – as Will Rogers once noted – by ballot rather than bullet.

The ultimate aim of all elections is to control the wealth of the nation and steer it to those supporters who put you in power.

This is exactly what the failed Democratic infrastructure bill was designed to do.

The so-called “Voting Rights” act is more long term, a plan to keep Democrats in power for a long as possible by undermining the GOP’s ability to control its own voting state by state.

By shifting control of how people are allowed to vote from state to federal level, Democrats hope to allow large liberal states to impose their will on smaller or less populated states, almost guaranteeing who ultimately gets elected.

The grand scheme by the Democrats is to eventually seize control of all three branches of the federal government and to castrate states’ ability to counter these moves on a local level.

The key element the Democrats need to accomplish this is the elimination of the filibuster in the U.S.

Senate, the last of the old fashion safeguards in place to block majority mob rule.

Democrats claim the removal of the filibuster and the promotion of the voting rights act would promote fairer elections, by denying states the ability to require people to prove that they are eligible to vote.

Democrats love to hide their agenda behind concepts of “Social Justice” and “Public Service,” but as Rogers also pointed out, they are looking to control tax payer dollars, the jobs, the grants and other patronage that goes along with being in power.

Rogers, however, mistook Democrats as economically incompetent, saying “You could transfer the senate and congress over to run Standard Oil or General Motors and they would have both bankrupt within two years.”

Never did it occur to Rogers Democrats might intentionally attack big business in the guise of the New Green Deal.

Durant’s observation about elections being cover for a power grab never became so obvious as during and after the 2020 election, and the Democrat’s determination to permanently dismantle all of the Constitutional and other safeguards the founding fathers put into place to prevent the tyranny of mob majority rule. So, we have Democrats proposing the destruction of the electoral college, the filibuster and even stacking of the Supreme Court.

This power grab during the 2020 presidential election may be the real reason behind the establishment of the Jan. 6 Committee, designed to divert attention from the idea that the election might have been stolen to the misperception of a GOP insurrection. This keeps the focus on the public attention away from the concept Democrats might have manipulated the election results and on this idea that the GOP is seeking to overturn a “legitimate” election.

As Karl Marx pointed out, it is essential do seed mistrust against your enemies, especially after you are victorious.

None of this is new. Both parties have “stolen” elections in the past – such as the hanging chad debacle that allowed Bush to beat Gore in the 2000 election, or the behind-the-scenes manipulation by Reagan in 1980s that allowed him to beat Jimmy Carter, or even the third-party spoiler candidacy of Ross Perot that allowed Bill Clinton to become president in 1992.

But no election in recent history comes close to pulling back the curtain to real the questionable mechanism of election as the apparently heavy-handed rip off the Democrats pulled in 2020, and so election in modern times has put so much power in the hands of a single party as the Democrats seek to unravel the very fabric of American society, carrying out what looks to become a Marxist revolution in America – which according to Robert Tefton, is nothing more than “a dictatorship of the proletariat.”

Democrats appear to be trying to accomplish Mao Tse Tung’s second discipline of a soviet society, “the minority is subservient to the majority” when it comes to the idea of State’s rights.

The Democrats appear to have conducted a not-so-subtle coup to seize control.

“The first duty of a revolutionary,” says Abbie Hoffman, “is to get away with it.”

Democrats seem desperate to do just that.

To accomplish this, they must first remove the filibuster that keeps them from totally controlling both houses of Congress.

This allows the Democrats to push through the so-called “voting rights act” that strips states of the power to regulate their own elections.

The electoral college – which puts small less populated states on equal footing with larger and more populated states – would be done away with, allowing liberal states to decide who will be president.

Then finally, the Democrats would stack to U.S. Supreme Court giving them complete control over the U.S. Government.

As Vladimir Lenin once pointed out, it is essential that allow authority to be concentrated into the hands of a few.

“How can strict unity be assured?” Lenin asked.  “By thousands subordinating their wins to the will of the one.”

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