Thursday, January 27, 2022

Supreme Court madness again




Considering how corrupt Merrick Garland turned out as the U.S. Attorney General, we clearly dodged a bullet when Republicans blocked his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court in 2016.

If Garland and his back room deals to promote his son’s Critical Race Theory business at gun point using the FBI, Garland would have been worse had he been granted a life-time appointment instead of the four-year appointment he has now.

With the forced resignation liberal Justice Breyer, the challenge for the GOP won’t be to avoid his being replaced by another liberal judge (that’s inevitable) but to keep the new justice from being as corrupt as Garland or as extreme as any of the candidates the radical left would like to replace him with.

Democrats have a problem in that they have recently savaged two of their own who opposed the radical agenda that would have destroyed the Senate filibuster, they must rely on those two votes in the Senate to appoint a replacement.

If those Democrats opposed gutting the constitution in a radical left power grab, many people are wondering will they go along with appointing a far left radical to the Supreme Court.

The radical left progressives are pushing to ger a black woman nominated – one particular choice is a black woman with an anti-cop and extreme left agenda which may not settle well in the stomachs of moderate Democrats beyond the two who voted against ending the filibuster.

This is the first chance Democrats have had to nominate anyone since their failed attempt to get their stealth radical Garland prior to the 2016 presidential election. The GOP managed to stall Garland’s appointment until after the elections, one which everybody assumed Hillary Clinton would win and the political punt would be mute.

Trump’s victory stalled the radical take over of the high court as well as delayed the radical left’s political coup for four long years, partly explaining why Democrats and media went into a tantrum. Most assumed a Biden victory (if it really was that) in 2020 would put the radical power grab train back on the track, only to have it partly derailed by two Democratic senators who opposed the corrupt takeover of American government.

Unable to get Garland appointed to the court, the radicals have another chance to restart their take over of government. While hardly a deciding vote on the high court, this appointment could be the first step in an ultimate takeover of the court if Democrats manage to hold onto power in the 2024 election.

While it is unlikely the Democrats will find someone so ethically conflicted as Garland is, they are looking for someone so far to the left that no moderate could vote for her with a good conscience.

Unable to stop the appointment of a liberal judge (nor should they try), the GOP needs to appeal to moderate Democrats to support the appointment of a moderate liberal justice rather than one that is too extreme (provided the moderate is not a stealth candidate who will bring those radical values to the high court anyway).

The lack of ethics but people like Garland and their potential to do serious damage when they reach Pinnacles of power scares the crap out of me.

What we hope for in judges are people who can be more or less impartial, who get nominated for their perceived positions but rise above their own prejudices to be fair and to create a more perfect nation through their decision making.

What we get, however or people who are bound to some preconceived agenda and who violated every rule of ethics in order to live up to the expectations of the people who put them there.

Media talks about the massive dark money that has been used to get Garland on the Supreme Court in 2016. That same dark money is now pushing for a radical black woman to be on the court the first step towards a radicalization of the court in the future if the Democrats can retain power in the Senate and the White House.

Since the same dark money that backed him is now backing the new extremists judge being proposed we can expect no better ethics nor moderation in this campaign of hatred and certainly nothing moderate in the future court.

In this I am hoping I am wrong but it's not likely we are going to see a reasonable person nominated and a reasonable person installed; we are going to see an attempt to stack the court from within and this new nominee will be the first brick in a very, very dangerous road to a Marxist state in the future.


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