Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Fake science, fake history, fake news



In an era where Postmodernism allows us to play a game called “my facts are as good as yours,” we are seeing a new misinformation campaign being waged – in schools, in media and in our medical profession.

Everybody is already heard the term “fake news” but apparently this is only the beginning of the reinvention of logic in America along with “fake science” and “fake history”

We have two examples of fake science which includes the illusion of global climate change and the fact that people actually think they can control Mother Nature when they can't.

The concept of climate change emerged out of a still-unproven theory raised in 1978 by a Swedish scientist and adopted by the head of the United Nations as a means of redistributing wealth from wealthy to poor nations. The UN set up a climate change commission that excluded anyone who disagreed with the theory. Ironically, many of those scientists who signed on (largely to get their piece of lucrative grants) had until then believe the earth was headed to a new ice age.

We have sold today’s youth on the illusion that if they peddle hard enough on their bicycles, they might be able to slow the progression a climate change that started 40,000 years ago, ignoring the fact that the earth was far warmer in the distant past than it is today, and we are returning to what was normal prior to the ice age.

We have built a generation that has gone back to the idiotic myth that the universe revolves around the earth and all of its inhabitants.

Another example of fake science is our belief we can control a pandemic.

All viruses work in the same basic way. They come in like a hurricane and leave like a lamb – meaning they are most lethal when they start and through variants grow less so until they are not lethal at all.

There is currently no cure for a virus. The human immune system fights it off. While in many cases, you can build up the immune system though a vaccine, even the best of these is questionable. The annual flu vaccine relies on medical professionals guessing what variant will strike. Even these are often less than 50 percent effective. So, it is no surprise that vaccines development in a hurry against COVID would eventually become ineffective against later variants. Mother Nature adapts, and to believe we can control her is arrogance.

The only way to get over a pandemic is to let it run its course as it gradually infects people and makes them immune overtime, or as the less lethal variants drive out the more lethal ones.

This illusion that is being sponsored by Health authorities that you can prevent or modify the virus is what is driving people crazy because once you have faith in something like the inoculation and it doesn't work you lose Faith entirely on the system.

Fake history is critical race Theory and 1619 project

These are based on the fantasy that there are alternative facts that change history and if you bring these alternative facts to light you can reinvent historic documents to reflect a different reality.

The fact that both are so filled with historical inaccuracies doesn't matter to the people who offer them or even to the New York Times which publishes some of them.

This is because in post-modernism we have sold ourselves on this concept that “my facts” are as good as “Your Facts” and they both are valid when they are not.

1619 project has been sold the way propaganda was sold in Nazi Germany. There is no real evidence to support its theories other than the claims made and that evidence that is used is often misinterpreted or flat out inaccurate another words fake history.

This post-modernism interpretation of science and History goes alongside fake news as some of the most criminal activity done by the left in the last century pure propaganda

Fake history is very similar to this in that you have activist for deliberately distorting history in order to achieve a certain belief system that is not only not supported by the evidence but sometimes the evidence is completely invented in order to promote that agenda

The fact that the once reputable New York Times promotes this misinformation campaign is troubling and leads to the third obvious fake -- fake news

We have a perfect storm of distortion that is flowing into mainstream belief partly because we have watched social media and mainstream media being controlled by these radical ideas -- ideas that are both troubling and damaging

In other words, radicals who wants to sell us on the idea that we can alter reality to what we want and wish rather them what really is.

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