Saturday, May 16, 2020

An inconvenient COVID Truth

Media vulture

Saturday, May 16, 2020

It's Saturday. it rained last night after our first really seriously hot day of the season.  We've been taking walks in order to deal with the insanity of this lockdown.  But outside is as crazy as the inside is, people have come to really believe the end of the world is here.
This may be the biggest con game ever devised.
Even the so-called conservative Fox News has been running story trying to explain the difference between covid-19 and the common flu, giving us charts and graphs and other things to highlight how much worse this pandemic is from the other pandemics that we've had even though in some cases the total deaths are the same and in some cases the total deaths less in this.
 It is like comparing apples and oranges as they say and twisting the hell out of the orange to get the most juice.
Almost all of the pandemic deaths are in New York and New Jersey and those other areas of the country where Chinese immigrants returned from China after Chinese New Years earlier this year.
This Is an Inconvenient Truth for Democrats who are still trying to shape this thing into some sort of racist rant by the president when he calls in a China flu.
The governor of New York calls it a European flu which he should be ashamed since he's a descendant of Italian immigrants.
Italy got hit hard this year just like it did in 1970 partly because of the huge Chinese worker population it has dealing with its garment industry there.
But what it's called matters less than what it is, and the fact is it is a flu despite what these so-called experts try to Spin us with.
Defining it as something else allows Democratic Governors and this out-of-control media to justify the horrendous violations of civil liberties and the destruction of the US economy ahead of the November election.
 We have been primed for this however it delivered series of previous events that has led up to this Final Chapter.
 We've been trained to look to the sky for fear of the depleted ozone layer and to seas for the rising level of water that never seems to actually arrive.
There seems to be a strong correlation between this pandemic and the man-made climate movement -- another brilliant scam for redistributing wealth.  Thus, we have the house Speaker appointing Greta one of the most unqualified people to the House committee on the pandemic well leaving off seriously qualified people who happen to be Republicans.
This not only suggest that the pandemic is going to be another money grab the way man-made climate change was but also another kind of impeachment hearing to somehow blame the whole thing on the president.
 We have science reporters scrambling out of the National mattress like bed bugs printing stories ahead of time so that they will be Chief Witnesses in what will likely be the third or fourth impeachment.
 Meanwhile while we walk down the street and see people living in Terror, some with full body armor, some with gloves in which their hands are sweating from the heat some with masks pulled so tight they can barely breathe.
They are living in Terror of catching something that will not likely kill them in fact will likely kill them less than previous flus even though so-called experts keep trying to tell us how much more contagious it is.
And the government continuing to test everybody they can, not just be to generate more terror which they have already fully Embraced but to collect more so they can collect more in federal money when the government starts handing out the checks.
This pandemic is about money and a grab for power not health.
 But because people believe what they see and then accept media for shaping it so that it seems like the rest of the world is as bad as the place where we are, they believe and they're terrified.
You have to wonder what the numbers would really look like had the governors of these states try to protect the most vulnerable instead of locking down the whole population.
How many more of our grandparents and parents would still be alive if the governors hadn't sent them to death camplike nursing homes.
What would the numbers look like in other pandemics if the government had done the same kind of test for positive as they're doing for this since no one ever tested previous pandemics no one will ever know whether this is actually worse or not.
Some people have to believe leaders who are selling this who need to keep us afraid who appear to want to seize power and money, while people walk around us like zombies waiting for the Apocalypse.

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