Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tall tales and other outrageous lies

May 4, 2020

It took a lot less time for the truth to come out then I expected.
the CDC decided to reduce the number of deaths that it was reporting from 61000 to 37000 in this pandemic. this is a far lower figure than the 1.7 million that was projected as the worst-case scenario at the beginning.
 Considering that tens of thousands of Americans died in the 1969 pandemic we got off lucky. Italy saw nearly as many flu deaths in 1969 as the current pandemic.
The fact is we have these pandemics as regular as clockwork. In 1957, 63,000 Americans died. In 1960, the number was 45,000, and in 1963, 40,000 – with similar pandemics occurring in 1969, several in the 1970s, still more in the 1980s – with similar death totals to the current disaster in 1989, 1992, and so on – 2009 and 2012 being banner years.
But if you pay attention to democratic politicians and the media that has been colluding with them to hype this up this has been the worst disaster since the 1918 pandemic or maybe even the Black Plague.
 It is difficult to tell whether the reaction that made prisoners of most of America was a democratic Think Tank Ploy or simply government panicking worse than the public. it is probably a little of both.
But the action and reaction are very typical of modern America in which people are becoming sheep manipulated by media sources that have been taken over by a particular ideology. This is not to say that the covid-19 was not serious, but it is clear from the reaction Democratic Governors had to it that the Democrats did everything possible to exploit it after having failed to indict or impeach Trump.
This generation has been trained to accept Authority if not quite respect it.  And generated by the terror that media painted this with people who work more than willing to comply.
Some of them saw this as an outgrowth of previous campaigns to save the world like the fallacy of man-made global warming or saving sea turtles by Banning one use plastic bags.  It's hard to argue with people who think they're on a mission from God.
 So, instead of getting on their bicycles to reduce their carbon footprint all people had to do was stay home and Flatten the Curve.
Giving up civil liberties clearly was not a priority or concern.  And behind-the-scenes Democratic Governors like the one in Wisconsin painted people who did protest as white supremacist or racist.
As with Charlottesville, the only people brave enough to stand up to tyranny were those who have already nothing to lose or have self-labelled themselves as neo-Nazis.
It is clear that we have changed since 1969 and though a hundred thousand Americans died, we still held public gatherings such as Woodstock.
Government then right or left could not have gotten away with this kind of abuse of power that we see today.
 People would have been up in arms and they would have been right.
 We already showed our ability to oppose the war and had campus protests and now the campuses are silent and compliant and those of us who remember the sixties are hiding in her bedrooms fear that the virus will get us.
Meanwhile the governor's especially those in Democratic states are drunk with power and are doing their best to make the economy crash so they can regain the White House for the Democratic Party.
 What we've seen over the last 4 years is a series of escalating lies like an old tall tale storyteller who keeps telling more and more outrageous lies to see how gullible the public is from Russian collusion to Ukraine to the pandemic.
Perhaps now when it becomes clear that these states pumped up the numbers of the Dead to suit their power grab people might understand they've been lied to all along.

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