Sunday, May 17, 2020

Do what you are told or else

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Asbury Park its setup atrocious new rules for using its Boardwalk.
They're only going to let people into the bathroom one at a time so guarantee that they'll be people pissing on the sidewalk.
There are going to be one-way Lanes on the boardwalk, too; and people will have to stay 6 feet apart from each other as they walk back and forth.
The fact is there won't be anywhere to go or anything to see since they have closed almost everything.
There will be some outdoor food vendors apparently offering food and drink but since you won't be able to go to the bathroom. So, why bother?
If the authorities tell them to stand on one foot and hop along the boardwalk, they would do it.
This is a town full of artists who have bought this bogus bullshit wholesale.
But they have been trained for this; we have been working them up into this brainless mass of obedient souls.  So, that we can take this to the next level of social control.

We are the lobsters dumped into a pot of cold water and do not know where being cooked until the temperature rises too high for us to escape.
As with all the previous training exercises, we are being told we are saving the world and other by complying to the dictates of our leaders.
What we really are doing is surrendering our freedoms one sad degree at a time until we have boiled all of them out, and the leaders can get us to do anything they want, making us lineup for restrooms or walk one way on the boardwalk today and maybe something more atrocious later all in the belief we are saving the world.
The sad part is that places like Asbury Park only highlights the seriousness of the problem.
In the past, the artists and musicians and other Bohemians were the first to resist the oppression.  Now they are the first to give in, fully brainwashed by believing that a socialistic model is somehow better than a capitalistic one and assuming that capitalists are the only source of fascism in the world.  They make the same mistake with the Democrats as the left did in the 1920s and 1930s when they sang the praise of Stalin only to be betrayed when Stalin signed his pact with Hitler.
The artists lineup and walk the right way on the boardwalk and keep the right distance and wear the right masks and say and do exactly what they're told, good little robots straight out of movies like The Matrix.

Unfortunately, there are no new voices that are on the left that will speak out against this and those on the right are called white supremacist or worse when they raised the alarm.
We have police prowling parks to make sure there is social order and then close the park when those people rebel.

There is real rage starting to emerge as people begin to realize that they no longer can do or think or be as they want in America only because we have been socially trained they don't have a place for that Rage to go.
This is for our own good, we're told, and if you don't listen then you are doing damage to society putting others at risk.
This is the same thing that is always said when government overextends its Authority and we allow it.
 The governor of Wisconsin closed down the capital for good reason because ultimately what when people fight back, they are not going to do so just by cursing cops.  We're going to see seems like I saw in Newark in 1967.
Governor Murphy hates the use of fascism But ultimately his power rests with the National Guard and the state police and when people resist his will, he is going to use those forces just the way any good fascist would.
Do what you're told or else!

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