Friday, May 1, 2020

How banning plastic bags led to covid-19


COVID-19 is a fraud not a hoax.
A hoax is when you make something up and try to get people to believe it.
A fraud is when you have something real and try to pass it off as something else.
In this case, public officials are trying hard to sell the public into believing this pandemic is something other than flu.
This allows them to justify the outrageous violations of civil liberties that they have imposed on people especially in States run by Democratic governors.
Most people are stupid enough to believe this partly because they have been trained to think this way for almost a generation.
But you have to wonder if our leaders believed this was so dangerous a strain of the flu why they did not do more to protect the most vulnerable which are the senior citizens in nursing homes why they did not marshal all the resources to save lives where they knew most of the lives would perish.
 You have to think that even the leaders did not believe the pandemic would kill as many people as it did to think otherwise is to equate them with Nazis sending people to death camps and we do not like to think of our leaders in that way these days.
The problem is even more deep-rooted than fascism.
 Mankind has deluded itself into believing that we have left more of an imprint on the surface of the planet that we actually have shortened version of the center of the universe theory that went out of fashion with Galileo.
 We actually think we can destroy the world to industrialization at least the more naive of us believe that.  We seem to think that what we have done to survive as a race has permanently or fundamentally altered the planet upon which we live on and it is our solemn duty to reverse this.
I'm not talking just about the do good climate change fanatics but this mental illness has no political boundaries which explains why those who are on the right who actually believe that the current virus which explains why those who are on the right pain actually believe that the current virus was invented in some secret laboratory somewhere and that  the government and Bill Gates are plotting to control us by inventing a cure for it.
Like many of contemporary madness this egotistical illusion of important dates back to the 1960s when people thought they could change the world and in particular back to the environmental movement that spelled it up with the first Earth Day.
 We got early on the anti-nuke movement which managed to keep us addicted to Middle Eastern Oil after convincing us of what is called The China Syndrome ironically many of the Contemporary environmentalists are now looking more fondly towards nuclear energy because all of their other theories such as solar are falling on their face and cannot meet the energy demand that contemporary people need.
But this deluded movement really got fueled by Al Gore and his so-called Inconvenient Truth selling us this idea that each of us as individuals has the ability to save the planet.  You have to realize this is the same Al Gore who once claimed to have invented the internet and was almost in nonentity as vice president for 8 years under Bill Clinton.
 the only real contribution his family has given to the human race was to invent a new censorship the rock and roll records.
but he decided to ride a United Nations redistribution of wealth gravy train and began to promote this idea that if we pedal enough on our bicycles or scooters that the world will turn back into Eden.
 more unscrupulous in Savvy politicians like Obama recognized what this new environmental movement was all about and hopped onto it selling a socialist agenda as a cure for the environmental problems of the world.
 as a result we got carbon credits that manages to send industrial countries money to third world countries we got light bulbs that are more poisonous than the ones that supposedly increased the carbon content and we've course we save sea turtles by banning plastic bags.
 So naturally if we think we can save the world from things as simple as ozone depletion then we have the power to cure the planet even if it means imposing martial law on its citizens we are supposedly trying to protect.
The problem is that these deluded do-gooders are not satisfied with bringing their won bags to the supermarket, or giving up trans-fats, or ceasing smoking in public places. They have engaged government to force everybody else to do what they want us to do. Instead of having personal choice, we are mandated to do things that these do-gooders want us to do. It doesn’t matter that the light bulb Obama outlawed was far safer than its replacement, or that we can plant trees when we cannot possibly replace the rare minerals our hand-held devices have.
We are told secondhand smoke causes cancer when there is plenty of evidence to suggest this is bogus and the real motive is to do away with people’s ability to choose whether to smoke or not.
We almost saw the size of soft drinks downsized because some idiot wants us to lose weight.
This idea that we should be manipulated out of cars to get on public transportation or better yet bicycles (or worse scooters) set the stage for the abuse of power we are now suffering through.
It is difficult to discern whether it is the naive people who are actually running government or the unscrupulous abusers of power.
But it is clear that those hiding under their beds at home are those who actually have bought this whole scenario  to believe the fraud that this is more than a flu and that they will die if they stick their noses out from under the covers.  Or others who by being good little sheep and doing everything government tells them they somehow will save the planet from this plague  too stupid to realize that this plague like every disaster before it is all about money not just distribution of wealth but how to make use of a pandemic for local political purposes.
So, we have inflated death counts or misdiagnosed accounts that contribute deaths that are not related to the virus in order to recoup money from the feds later in much the way a lot of problems were attributed to Sandy when they were caused by other things. We are now testing people even without symptoms just to inflate the final result in order to allow politicians and others to say they were right about locking us down.
We have a government who is terrorizing the public into believing they will die if they do not do what they are told.  Or we have deluded do-gooders who are willing to sell out their civil rights to unscrupulous people in order to help save a planet that does not need to be saved.
Probably the only good thing that has come out of this pandemic is the fact that work no longer banning plastic bags to save sea turtles.

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