Friday, May 8, 2020

Putting lipstick on Obama

Friday, May 8, 2020

Democrats and other forces for Injustice had a bad day yesterday.
While this will hardly stop the Stampede that has been going on towards trying to destroy or derail the Trump train, it's certainly shed a lot of light on the kind of BS that has been spread and tore open the fabric behind the scenes of some activities of the Democratic machine.
Out in Texas the Supreme Court there decided that throwing a hairdresser in jail for opening her business under a lockdown was too much her release.
This is the beginning of restraint being put on Governors who have become obsessed with their own power.  A similar action was taken in the Midwest where some governor with some common sense decided maybe throwing people in jail for petty offenses was a little over-reach.
 You can't be throwing relatively innocent Knuckleheads in jail for the fear that they might spread coronavirus while letting hardened criminals out of jail because your fears that they might catch Coronavirus.
This double standard and twisted logic are a plague on the Democratic Party and made extremely obvious by the sexual allegations against Joe Biden.
In this power struggle the Democrats appear to be savaging their own candidate in order to replace him after he successfully did their bidding in getting rid of Sanders.
Now the Democrats are poised to select a candidate without bothering to obtain a popular vote
Exit stage left Biden enter stage right Hillary Clinton?
More locally was the unanimous ruling by the US Supreme Court vacating the conditions of the two people in Bridgegate.
This is a stunning local example of power politics in which the bridge in the closing of its Lanes became a tool for desperate Democrats to unseat an unpopular governor.
But considering what has transpired since, closing a few lanes on a bridge or a few state parks over the Fourth of July pales in comparison to Democratic governors bringing down the national economy, closing all the parks and making prisoners in their homes of the entire population.
Bridgegate is kind of model in miniature of what Democratic strategy has been undertaken to try to unseat President Trump.
And despite the partisan howl we are getting from the most ridiculous Democrats in Congress the biggest blow to them came when it became clear that the FBI allegedly under orders from former President Obama deliberately targeted Trump and his aides. The vacating of charges against Michael Flynn opened up the Pandora box showing at Obama appointed hitmen in the Justice Department who deliberately try to get Flynn to lie to them so that they could charge him and embarrass president Trump and feed the always biased mainstream media to whom these pathetic dirty cops leaked the misinformation.
 Despite Democratic protest otherwise, this showed just how the Democrats have been operating behind the scenes in particular former President Obama who had a love affair with Intel and who was perfectly willing to use the justice department to Target his political enemies.
Obama played the role America's father, a benevolent soul who painted himself as the someone who ached to help everybody, eloquent to a fault but behind the scenes he was a ruthless bastard.
Talk about lipstick on a pig.

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